Chapter Thirteen

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A few weeks have passed since we got home from the hospital and Lee moved in with us. Although our casts are off and most of our physical injuries have healed, our mental injuries still persist. There's good days and bad days; like the days where I wake up screaming from nightmares of us being back in the car, which are so bad that Noah often has to wake up to calm me down and help me fall back asleep. Noah says that he doesn't have nightmares or flashbacks like I do but I've woken up to him locked in the bathroom multiple times and I'm almost positive I've heard him crying. Lee has been incredibly patient with us, taking us to different doctor's appointments, and practically waiting on us hand and foot.

Noah and I have both been seeing a psychologist down at the hospital in the city who told us that we're both suffering from PTSD. At first, it sounded scary, but through therapy and with time, is it evident that we're going to be okay. We got our casts off about a week ago, and although the breaks are fully healed, I still get shooting pains up my leg sometimes. The physiotherapy is torture, although necessary. I still use crutches to help me out sometimes but I won't have to in a few weeks.

I know that Noah is still struggling with the loss of the baby, and I am too. The only thing that keeps me from going completely insane is the thought that we'll be able to try again when we're ready. And this baby would actually be Noah's.

Lately, Noah and I have been trying to wedding plan to take our minds off things. We've already decided that we want to have our wedding in the summer—July 24th, to be exact—and we've already called the venue to book it. Today, Noah decided that he just wanted it to be a small wedding, with no band or anything like that, and I agreed. We also decided that we want to have our honeymoon in Paris, so Noah is on the phone booking that right now.

I love the idea of going to Paris, but I don't know how to tell Noah that my passport is back at the apartment that I shared with Hayden. With everything that has happened since I arrived at the beach house, it completely slipped my mind to ever go back and retrieve the things I left there. But now I have to. I have to be able to completely move on from that part of my life so that I can marry Noah and be okay.

"So," Lee says, coming out of the bathroom from the shower, "I hear Noah is booking tickets to Paris!"

"Yeah, for our honeymoon."

"That's great. You guys deserve a break."

I nod, chewing on my lip. "I have to go to Hayden's."

Lee frowns. "What? Why?"

"Some of my stuff is still there, including my passport, which I'll need if I want to go to Paris."

Lee nods slowly, and Noah comes out from the room. "Alright, it's booked! I'm excited!"

I smile, chewing on my lip a little. "I'm excited too!"

Noah frowns, "What's wrong? You didn't change your mind, did you?"

I shake my head. "No, no of course not. It's just... my passport is at my old apartment."

"Hayden's apartment?"


"Can't you order a new one?"

I shrug, "I could, but it's like a hundred dollars and with all our medical bills, that'd be stretching it a little. Plus a bunch of my stuff is still at Hayden's too."

"So, are you suggesting we go there?"

"It's not like I want to," I say, and it's the truth. I'd prefer to never see him again. "But maybe now is a good time to go, since Lee is here and everything," I smile over at Lee. "Strength in numbers."

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