Chapter Seven

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I wake up early the next morning in a cold sweat, feeling like I'm going to throw up everywhere. Noah is sound asleep beside me, and for a moment I contemplate waking him up, but my stomach isn't allowing the time for that. I bolt out of bed and into the bathroom, launching myself in front of the toilet, choking out the remnants of last night's dinner. I pull a wad of toilet paper off of the holder and wipe my mouth with it before throwing it into the toilet bowl and flushing it all down. I scoot backwards to sit up against the cold tiled wall, still feeling nauseous. I try to take deep breaths and focus on the cold against my neck but my stomach won't calm down. The taste in my mouth is only making me feel worse so I try to bring myself up to the sink, but as soon as I move, the urge to empty my stomach's contents emerges again. I dropped down again and lurch forward to the toilet, letting everything spill out for the second time. I start to feel a little bit better when I finish, so I flush the toilet. The pain in my stomach is less prominent and I'm able to pull myself up to the sink and brush my teeth, finally getting rid of the pungent taste in my mouth. I splash my face with some cold water and then finally walk back into my bedroom to rejoin Noah where he is still asleep.

When I pull the blanket off Noah a little so that I can slip back underneath it, he starts to stir awake. He rubs a bit of sleep out of his eyes and looks up at me. "What time is it?" He asks sleepily.

I press the home button on my phone that is sitting on my nightstand to reveal my lockscreen and the time. "5:45," I say.

Noah frowns. "You're up early."

"I threw up."

Noah is suddenly awake now. He sits up in bed, and I finally move into it beside him. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"I feel a bit better now. Maybe it's food poisoning? I was the only one who had the pie last night." I suggest, trying to make sense of my sudden stomach problem. I don't want to have food poisoning and be bed ridden for the next few days, but it's the only thing that I can think of.

Noah nods. "Well, I hope that's not the case. Do you feel like you're going to be sick again?"

"No," I say, and then add, "I kind of just want to go back to sleep.

Noah lays back down, and I follow suit. He pulls me into his arms, and I lay my head on his chest. He gives me a little kiss on the top of my head, and I slowly drift back off to sleep.

* * *

When I wake up again, this time at a more decent time, Noah is already awake. I can hear him and Lee talking in the kitchen, but I can't quite make out what they're saying. The nausea in my stomach has subsided into a cramping feeling, and I wonder for a moment if I'm about to get my period and that maybe that's what caused my stomach ache. I bring myself out of bed and trail out into the kitchen where Lee is sitting at the table while Noah cooks. The sudden smell of bacon brings my nausea back. I sit down beside Lee, and Noah places a cup in front of me.

"It's decaf tea. Hopefully it will help with your stomach." I smile at him.

"How are you feeling?" Lee asks, and I give a little shrug.

"My stomach just feels... weird," I say, and Lee gives me a funny look.


I nod. "It's like cramping, and then nausea, and then more cramping."

"Aw, Shelly," Lee laughs, "is it that time of the month?"

I slap Lee's arm and roll my eyes. "Shut up."

Noah places a plate down in front of Lee, and the smell of it alone makes me gag. "I assume you don't want any?"

I shake my head, and Noah laughs. He sits down at the table across from me and digs into his own plate of food. I try to just take sips of my tea, but the horrible feeling in my stomach won't let up. Within minutes I'm rushing myself back to the bathroom and emptying my stomach of the very little contents that are even in it. Noah follows me down the hall and into the bathroom, and as I'm retching into the bowl, he wets a face cloth with cool water and applies it to my neck. He pulls my hair back as I dry heave.

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