Chapter Six

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When I wake up the next morning, thoughts of last night flash back to my mind. The pit of my stomach starts to fill with second-hand embarrassment as I think about how needy I must've seemed to Noah. Noah is still asleep beside me, and I roll over to lay my head on his chest, much like I did at the end of last night. I think about how crazy yesterday was, and how just hours before Noah came home, I was fuming over how he would never love me again. And now I'm here, laying in bed with Noah, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek and his light breathing against my head.

It's crazy to me that after all this time I ended up back in Noah's arms. A few months ago I questioned if I'd ever even make it out of my relationship with Hayden, let alone ever be with someone who makes me feel as safe as Noah does. I remember how I felt the first time that Noah and I kissed. It feels like that was ages ago now, but I can almost feel the anxiety and excitement in my stomach again as I reminisce about it. I think back to all of Noah and I's secret dates, like the one time when we drove down to the Hollywood sign again, just weeks after our first time there. We sat there for a while, talking about different things—like what was going to happen when Noah went off to university. Noah was worried that we wouldn't make it, but I reassured him; I guess I was wrong, but it got us to where we are now. At the end of that day, we drove to a little diner and had burgers and milkshakes for dinner. I recall wishing that everyday would be like that, or that that night would never end. I used to wish that we never left that diner and never got caught by Lee. But now I know that it was all for the best.

Having to tell Lee about Noah and I again flashes into my mind for a split second. I doubt that Lee would have an issue with us this time. Towards the end of our relationship, Lee had really started to come to terms with it, but I still don't know if he actually liked the idea of us being together. All I know is that no matter what happens, I'm glad that Noah will be here with me.

I feel Noah shift underneath me and he lets out a deep breath. I look up at his face right as his eyes start to flutter open.

"Shelly," he breathes out.

"Hi," I whisper, and he smiles.

"How is it that you still look gorgeous first thing in the morning?"

I laugh. "I do not."

Noah rolls his eyes, and then pulls me further into his chest, squeezing me a little. "Have I told you that I miss you?"

I smile into his chest. "I've missed you too."

"I'll make breakfast this morning," Noah offers, and then adds, "is there anything you feel like?"

"Coffee," I laugh, and then add, "maybe just a bagel this morning, I'm not that hungry."

Noah nods, and then gives me a little hug again. "Alright, time to get up!"

I let out a little whine, and stretch across the bed as Noah gets up. I watch him as he pulls a pair of pajama pants over himself. He flashes me a little smile, and then walks out of the room, trailing down the hall and into the kitchen. I can hear the tap running into the coffee pot, and I finally find the energy to get out of bed. I strip the blankets off of me, revealing my naked torso, and for a moment I'm glad that Noah left before me. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I pull Noah's t-shirt over my head. The length of it is quite long, and it covers me right up to my knees. I go trailing out to the kitchen where Noah already has a bagel and coffee waiting for me on the table.

"Thank you," I say, pulling the chair away from the table and sitting down on it. Noah sits down in the chair beside me and grabs my hand to hold it. He has this serious look on his face, and I feel a wave of anxiety go through me.

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