Chapter Nine

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Days pass with no new news about the baby, other than the fact that it definitely does not like when I eat bacon and constantly craves pickles. The morning sickness, although still happening, is significantly less than before. And Noah has been waiting on me hand and foot, giving me everything I crave, and doing everything that I need done. I try to tell Noah that I don't need him to do everything for me, but he doesn't listen. This morning alone, he ran me a bath while he made me breakfast and cleaned everything around the house. I honestly don't know what I would do without Noah.

Today we are going to the doctor to get our first ultrasound done. I know this appointment won't tell us anything special, but I want to know that my baby is healthy. Noah has already agreed to stay in the room with me the entire time, and I couldn't be more excited. By noon, we're in the car, ready to drive into the city. My pregnancy hunger has already started to kick in, but I'm not allowed to eat anything before the ultrasound so I'll have to wait until after.

When we get to the clinic, I sit down in the waiting room while Noah signs me in for my appointment. I flip through some of the maternity magazines they have there and start fantasizing about baby names. Eventually Noah comes and takes a seat beside me. He grabs my hand and gives it a little squeeze, flashing me a smile. I look down at my stomach and smile. There's not much of a baby bump yet but you can definitely tell that I've put on a few pounds. I think about how soon I'll have to go to a maternity store and pick out new clothes that cover my baby bump. I smile at the thought as I realize all the different things Noah and I will get to experience now. Like putting together a room for the baby, and going baby clothes shopping. The thought of all this excites me, but it also makes me realize something huge: I'm going to have to tell my dad.

I hadn't even thought about how I would have to tell my dad and my brother, or how Noah would have to tell his family. We're going to now have to give up our secrets, and I'm not exactly excited to see everyone's reactions.

"Mrs. Elle Evans?" A lady calls from the front desk, and Noah and I both stand up.

"That's me," I say, as the lady says, "right this way."

The lady asks me to remove my shirt, and place it on the rack and then lay down on the examination table. She leaves, telling us that the doctor will be in here shortly. Noah looks down at me and then grabs my hand. "Are you nervous?"

I shrug. "Are you?"

"No," he laughs, "I'm excited."

I smile and bring his hand up to my lips to give it a little kiss. "I love you."

"I love you more, beautiful."

The doctor comes into the room, pushing an ultrasound machine in front of him. He grabs the clipboard that the lady from before left on the table and reads it over quickly. "Elle, right?"

"That's me," I say, and the doctor comes to stand beside me.

"And is this the father?" He asks, looking at Noah.

Noah smiles and then stretches out his hand to shake the doctor's. "Yes. I'm Noah."

"Nice to meet you Noah. So, this is probably your first ultrasound, correct?"

I nod my head.

"Alright, it's super simple, I'm just going to spray some gel on your stomach, and it might be a little cold at first, but it'll subside, and then we'll be able to see your baby! We won't be able to see much just yet, but we're just going to make sure everything is looking good. Don't hesitate to ask any questions, alright?"

I nod my head eagerly as he says, "Alright. Let's start!"

He pours some blue liquid gel onto my stomach. Just like he said, it feels quite cold at first, but once he places the wand on top of it, it's not so bad anymore. He moves the wand around a bit and Noah gives my hand a tiny squeeze as we both watch the monitor in anticipation. I can't see much of anything until the doctor stops moving the wand. He smiles, and says, "So, that right there, is the tiny little head."

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