Chapter Eleven

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I wake up the next morning in Noah's childhood bed. Noah is still passed out beside me, as I fiddle with the ring that now sits on my finger. It's just a basic silver ring with a good sized diamond right in the middle, but I love it. It's beautiful, and what it signifies is even better. I can't believe that I'm going to get married, let alone get married to Noah. If someone would've told me three months ago that I'd be back in Noah's childhood home, laying in his bed, newly engaged to someone that isn't Hayden, I wouldn't have believed them.

I can hear Mrs. Flynn downstairs doing what I assume is cooking breakfast. I'm thankful that I didn't have any morning sickness when I woke up today, because I don't need the flashbacks of throwing up in this home. I slip out of bed, only wearing Noah's t-shirt. I grab my phone and I make my way into the adjoining bathroom. I shut the door, before I start to FaceTime Lee. I have to tell him the big news.

Lee picks up on the second ring. "Hi, what's wrong? Did it go bad? Was your dad mad?"

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down. Nothing is wrong. Did I wake you?"

Lee shakes his head. "No, I've been up for a while. I've just been anticipating your call. How did it go?"

I laugh. "It went really well, our parents weren't mad and they're so excited about the baby."

Lee frowns, "Sorry, are you at my house? I thought you'd be at your dad's?"

"Oh," I say, and smile, "well, I actually have some news,"

"God, Elle, what else could there be?! Next thing you're gonna tell me is that Noah proposed!" I know he's joking but I let out a little chuckle, and hold up my hand to the camera.

"Oh my god!" Lee exclaims, and he jumps up. "You're getting married?!"

"Yes!" I whisper-yell, trying my hardest to not wake Noah, but then there's a knock on the other side of the door.

"Elle, are you alright? Is it your morning sickness?" I can hear the sleepiness in Noah's voice and I'm scared that I might have woken him.

"No, I'm alright!" I yell back, and then add, "you can come in! I'm on Facetime with Lee!"

Noah lets himself into the bathroom, and walks over to stand behind me. His hair is a mess from sleeping, and he's only in his boxers, but to me he has never looked better. He yawns and waves at Lee.

"You proposed!" Lee exclaims, and Noah grins.

"I did!"

"Elle, you're literally going to be my sister!" Lee looks like his mind is being blown with every realization he makes. I hadn't even thought about how Lee was going to become my brother-in-law, but it just makes everything better.

Lee, Noah, and I talk for about another ten minutes, and then we get dressed and ready for the day. We join Mrs. Flynn for breakfast, and when we're finished, Noah offers to drive me to my dad's house. I end up deciding to just walk home like old times.

So now I'm pulling my suitcase behind me, walking the route that I must have walked a million times when I lived here. My house is only about ten minutes from the Flynn's, but I try to draw it out as long as I can, taking in all the memories that come flooding back to me. I think about the time Noah brought me back home on his motorcycle after we had kissed at the kissing booth, and then again in the gazebo. I smile as I think about how that stupid kissing booth brought us here. How I'm engaged to the love of my life, all because of a kissing booth.

I use my old key to let myself in the house, and when I walk in my dad and brother are at the table eating breakfast. My dad turns around when I shut the door.

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