Chapter Twelve

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I'm not sure if I'm awake. I hear a lot of noise, and a lot of voices swirling around me, but I don't see anything. Everything hurts. Is this what death is? Am I gone? I don't quite remember what happened. I remember driving, and then calling out for Noah, but nothing after that. I can hear sirens, and a lot of shouting.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?" A female voice says, and I want to say yes, but I can't speak. Who is this? Where am I?

Whoever it is places two fingers on my neck, and I can only assume she's checking my pulse. Do I have one? Am I still alive? I can't tell if I'm breathing. I think I am. I can't feel much, but the hand on my neck is prominent.

"There's a pulse, but it's faint! Let's get her on a stretcher! We don't have much time." I can't tell if she is talking about me, but she must be. I hear someone else, a little further away yelling.

"I can't get a pulse on this man! He looks somewhere in his 20s, about 6 foot!" Noah. Oh my god, Noah. Is he okay? He doesn't have a pulse? I can't lose Noah. Save Noah.

"Start compressions!" Someone yells, and then another yells, "clear!"

A few moments later I think I can hear someone say, "Time of death," but I hope I'm wrong.

I can feel myself being lifted up, and put on to something that I can only assume is a stretcher. I suddenly feel cold, and very wet. I can't tell what it is, but I think I'm covered in something.

"Where is she bleeding from?" Another voice says.

"I don't know where it's coming from. I bandaged up the cuts on her head and arms, but it looks like her legs are bleeding too."

"She's going to need stitches on that head laceration... can we cut her pants off to see where this bleeding is from?" I hear something slam shut and then sirens again. I must be in an ambulance. Someone does start cutting off my pants because I suddenly feel bare, and even colder than I did before.

Someone gasps. What happened? Is my leg really bad? Am I going to be okay?

"What is it?" Someone else asks, and then she gasps as well.

I can feel myself starting to fall asleep. Or I guess I'm already asleep, so maybe this is the end. Maybe I'm never going to be able to get married, or have my baby, and watch them grow up. Maybe I'm never going to see Lee again, or my dad and brother. Maybe I'm never going to see Noah again. I try to stay alert but I can't. The pain is becoming too much. I hope Noah knows I love him. I hope that if he is still alive, he'll be okay without me. Goodbye, Noah. I love you.

* * *

My head hurts. It's pounding. There's a sore feeling in my stomach and between my legs, and I can tell by the pressure on my leg that it's in a cast before I even open my eyes. I'm scared to open my eyes. I'm scared that the lights will make my pounding headache a hundred times worse, but nonetheless, I'm alive. I can hear voices again. Probably the voices of doctors or nurses. I can hear the beeping and pulsing of machines, and the hurry of people whizzing around me. I don't want to open my eyes. I want to go back to sleep. But then I hear a familiar voice, and I force my eyes open.

There's a tube in my mouth, and I assume that it was or is helping me breathe. Nobody is looking at me, but I don't know how to alert them that I'm awake. I move my hand up a little, but I'm too weak to actually wave. It's okay though, because the nurse turns to look at me.

"Oh, you're awake! Let me get this off of you. This might hurt a little." She takes the tube out of my mouth, and she's right, it does hurt. I squirm a little, but once it's fully out I feel okay. My throat feels scratchy, and I feel like if I try to talk, I might make it worse. The nurse is asking me questions, but I'm turning my head trying to figure out where the familiar voice came from. I spot the person at the door. His face is streaked with tears and he's biting his nails. His eyes lock with mine.

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