Chapter 1

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Mercedes has worked with Sam Evans for little over 5 years as his personal assistant. She really enjoyed her job and especially liked working alone with Sam. He was a very talented singer/songwriter and had amassed a very large fan base over his ten years in the business. He was knowledgeable about what his fans wanted from him and always delivered. He had a loyal female following mainly because he was a vision. Tall and fit with the most beautiful set of green eyes and luscious lips, he could make any woman melt with just a smile. Which, frankly he had done to Mercedes since the day she started working for him. She had made a pack with herself to never let her lust get the best of her. As she stood backstage watching Sam sing to screaming fans she couldn't help but wonder how she had lasted this long. From the rumors and people telling her that he was a nightmare to work for, and abused his power quite often to make sure his assistants didn't cross him. She personally never experienced any of that, he was always nice and kind with her. She hadn't so much had heard him raise his voice and she was around him plenty to know being that she lived on his property. According to Sam he needed her at all times and it just made sense for her to move into his guest house. Hesitant at first, she agreed to the terms and countered with a pay increase and vacation time. Sam agreed and the rest was history.

"Thank you all!" She heard Sam shouting before heading her way. She waited promptly with a dry towel and water for him.

"Great show, Mr. Evans." She said handing him the towel and bottle of water.

"Stop calling me that Cedes. It's been five years." He said smiling down at her.

"Sorry, Sam it's habit." She replied biting her lip out of embarrassment.

Sam noticed Mercedes biting her lip and fought the urge to lean down and bite it his self. She had been his assistant for five years and always remained professional and was damn good at keeping his life together. He had hoped moving her to his guest house would open the door for him to get to know her more personally but she made sure to keep things strictly business with him. After five years she hadn't so much as discussed her personal life nor has he seen any men coming or going.

"Sam?" Mercedes spoke looking concerned "are you okay?"

"What? Oh yeah. Just got lost in thought, you were saying?"

"I was saying if we hurry we can get you out of here and home by 3:00 am. The jet is ready whenever you are."

She always spoke as if she wouldn't be joining me on the way home. Always so professional, he decided then he was going to change that.

"Alright, send everyone in their way and then we can head home." He said looking into her doe brown eyes. Mercedes was undoubtedly beautiful, nice chocolate kissed skin, soft curly hair that fell right before reaching her breast, curves that would drive any man crazy and an ass that needed grabbing. Her lips were his true weakness, so full and she bit them enough to make him wonder what they would feel like on his.

They made it to the airstrip and loaded up for their three hour flight. That would plenty of time for Sam's plan. He was determined to learn more about his ever so professional and secretive assistant. He allowed her board first and watched her ass as she did. He let out a soft moan before following. He waited for her to sit first and once she picked her spot he chose the seat right across from her. A confused looked crossed her face and he knew he'd need to come up with something.

"Figured we could chat for a while?" He stated hoping his plan wasn't about fail before it started.

"Okay, we can run over your next few stops after your break." She said pulling out her tablet. Before she could get it turned on Sam grabbed it and placed it beside him in the vacant seat.

"No, we can discuss that later. I meant we could just talk, you've been my assistant for a while and I feel like I barely know you." He stated with a half smile. Looking up and seeing her smiling back.

"So tell me Cedes, what do you like to do outside of running my day to day?"

"Well that's a loaded question. Hmm... I like to do all sorts of things reading, movies, shower concerts with myself, going out with friends when they're in town." She said giggling a little.

"Mr. Evans, Ms. Jones would you like a drink? Water? Perhaps a glass of wine or champagne?" The attendant asked politely.

"Sure we'll both take a glass of champagne." Sam said before checking to see if that's what she wanted.

"Right." The attendant said before filling two flutes with champagne and placing the bottle in ice then walking away.

"Sorry I didn't mean to speak for you."

"Oh no, it fine. I could use a drink honestly." She replied grabbing the drink and taking a sip. The bubbles tickled her nose and caused her to laugh.

"Ok now back to you, so you have secret shower concerts?" Sam asked with a sexy smirk on his face. Mercedes noticed and played along.

"Was that all you heard?" She said with a raised eyebrow. "I rarely have an audience so I wouldn't call them secret, more so just me singing in the shower."

"You only sing in the shower? Or are you willing to belt a little something now?" He said leaning in interested to see if she would.

"Umm.. sure. Any requests?" She asked taking a sip before putting the glass down.

"Wow me." Sam replied smiling. She sat up and cleared her throat, closed her eyes started singing.

Something must've gone wrong in my brain
Got your chemicals all in my veins
Feeling all the highs, feel all the pain
Let go of the wheel, it's the borderline
Now I'm seeing red, not thinking straight
Blurring all the lines, you intoxicate me

Just like nicotine, rushin' me, touching me
Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need
All I need, yeah, you're all I need

Sam was completely in shock, five years he'd been around her and never knew she was hiding that talent from him. He found his self being pulled in by her voice. Mercedes could feel him looking at her as she sung, opening her eyes she saw the amazement on his face and locked his eyes with hers.

It's you, babe
And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe
And I could try to run, but it would be useless
You're to blame
Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never ever, ever be the same
I'll never be the same
I'll never be the same
I'll never be the same...

Sam was lost in her eyes, before even noticed she stopped singing until she broke their stare. She was biting her lip again.

"Fuck it." He said before moving in a kissing her, completely catching Mercedes off guard.

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