Chapter 5

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They had landed and were on their way to Mercedes' parents house, Sam could tell she was excited by how she kept going on and on about all the things she wanted to do once they got there. She was really looking forward to her mom's cooking and listening to her dad ramble on about football. She also mention her two brothers who up until then, Sam had no idea existed. When they arrived she jumped out of the car and told Sam to hurry.

"Hold on, let me grab the bags." He said shaking his head and laughing.

"We can get them later! I can't wait for you to meet everyone, I'm sure they'll love you." Sam nodded and walked up the paved driveway. The outside of the house was beautiful, it was simple two story home with flowers lining the edge and down the walk way. It had a large wrap around porch that was adorned with flowers as well and a few bird feeders hanging. They went up to the door and before he began to knock she pulled his hand and turn the knob.

"My parent's don't lock the door during the day." She said opening the door and pulling him in behind her. She stopped and took in a long breath which was followed by a moan. Mercedes hadn't smelled that smell in a while and she knew she was in heaven, her mom was cooking her favorite pot roast. She turned and looked at Sam before hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much for this."

"You're welcomed! I'm happy I could do it."

"Ready for the best meal of your life?" She asked before pulling him further into the nicely decorated home. Much like how Mercedes decorated the guest house, there were pictures everywhere and little accent pieces here and there. The stairs were even decorated with little saying on each step.

"Moma? Daddy?" She shouted as she continued her walk to her childhood kitchen.

"Baby! Oh, I'm so happy you're here! When that nice boy called me I was worried something was wrong." Her mother, Marie said pulling her into a hug. She looked like Mercedes a little taller but they had those same beautiful brown eyes, she got her looks and if Sam was honest her curves from her mother.

"You called my mom?" She asked cocking her head to the side with a sweet smile.

"Yes. Again, I'm sorry for worrying you ma'am." He replied to both women standing in front of him.

"Enough with that ma'am mess, call me Marie." Marie replied pulling Sam into a hug and squeezing him tightly before whispering in his ear.

"Thank you for bringing my baby home, even if it's for a little while." She pulled away and looked at her daughter and back at Sam then chuckled and told herself there was something brewing between the two of them.

"Where's daddy? How is he doing?" Mercedes asked looking around the kitchen and out the window above the sink.

"He's fine, clean bill of health as of yesterday! You already know where is, in that damn "man cave" he just had to have. Go on and see him, I'll call you when the food's ready." Marie replied giving her a side hug and returning to her cooking.

"Umm, Sam? A minute if you don't mind?" Sam and Mercedes both stopped and turned back to look at her mother. Mercedes hadn't let his hand go since they'd gotten there and was just now noticing that her mom was looking at them.

"Don't worry, he'll meet you down there. Go on now." Her mother said smiling and shooing her away. Mercedes gave Sam a look to see if he was going to be okay and when he nodded she headed out of the kitchen looking back once before completely leaving.

"Have a seat baby. I just want to talk to you for a minute." Marie said leading him to the table and sitting down.

"Is everything okay?" Sam asked sitting across for her.

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