Chapter 7

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The Day After

Mercedes woke up in her bed alone, she wasn't sure when she fell asleep after being with Sam. She smiled at the thought of what they had done last night. She could feel his lips on hers and his hands on her body. She crawled to the foot of her bed to sneak a look at Sam before he woke up but he wasn't there. She scanned the room, listening to see if she heard the shower running but only got silence.

She shook her head remembering his morning jogs and decided to shower and meet him outside. She took her a hot shower and opted to washer her hair as well, when she finished she stared at herself in the mirror noticing a slight glow. It had been a long time for her and she couldn't think of a better person to break her spell. She brushed her teeth and threw her hair into a bun before getting dressed, she put on an old school shirt hanging in her closet and some shorts. She headed down stairs and stopped mid-step when she heard her family and Sam laughing.

"What the hell?" She said to herself continuing down stairs, she was sure he was on his morning run so why was he in the kitchen laughing with her family?

"Look who finally decided to join the living." Marie said winking at her daughter. Mercedes looked around the kitchen at everyone who were all fully dressed for the day and she was in her old McKinley shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Yeah, nice of you to join us, since when do you sleep in? Hope that "movie" didn't keep you up late." JJ said wiggling his eyebrows and smug smirk. Mercedes felt her eyes grow wide and looked at her brother pleading with her eyes to stop talking.

"Yeah, I hear sometimes "movies" can tire you out if you watch them too long." Mark chimed in chuckling a little.

"I bet the "movie" felt like it was in high def and real time." Mark added letting his laughter win. Mercedes shot him a look to stop but he kept laughing

"Maybe the movie was just too "good" to stop watching and she needed to watch it twice... maybe three times." JJ added struggling to hold in his laugh. Their parents exchanged confused looks before realizing what their sons were hinting at and immediately looked at Mercedes noticing her embarrassment growing.

"Mercy..." Marie said looking at her daughter and then Sam. She could see that they were beyond embarrassed and covered her mouth to hide her laughter as well. She wasn't upset, she knew it was going to happen... just wasn't expecting it to happen so soon and in her house.

"MERCEDES ANN JONES, I KNOW DAMN-" David started before Marie grabbed his arm making him stop.

Sam stood there trying to hide his own embarrassment when he felt a nudge from Mark and looked at the man who was shaking his head towards the back door. Sam took the hint putting his coffee down, and grabbed Mercedes' hand and walked out to their back yard. Mercedes didn't say anything at first she just stood there embarrassed and slightly amused that it took her parents that long to get what her brothers were talking about. She felt Sam moving closer to her and moved back knowing her family was watching from the window. She shook her head and lead him to her favorite spot under the huge Maple tree in their yard.

"I'm so sor-" Was all she got out before his lips crashed into hers, making her roll her eyes back as she wrapped her arms around him. She felt the same fire she had last night ignite and bit his lip before pulling away.

"Morning." Sam said sweetly caressing her face. She looked simply amazing and without any effort on her part. She was just that beautiful, everything about her was beautiful to him. Her laugh, her smile, how kind she was and how cute she looked when she was embarrassed. He felt his self falling for her more and more and couldn't help but wonder if she was starting to feel the same way. She obviously felt something if she was ok with they did last night.

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