Chapter 15

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When they pulled up to Sam's parent's house Mercedes grew immediately excited, it was her first time there and she couldn't wait to see everyone again. Sam got out and helped her out before grabbing their bags and heading up the driveway. They both stopped when they heard a loud whistle and saw someone walking towards them.

"Where's my girl?"

"Stevie!!" Mercedes said running to him and hugging him.

"There goes the love of my life." He says hugging her tightly and spinning her around. Sam rolled his eyes and gave his brother a warning look which got ignored.

"Damn girl, it's been too long. I see you're still looking sexy as ever." He said putting her down and planting kisses all over her face making her giggle and Sam huff.

"Well thank you! Where's you're girl? I've been dying to meet this one." She replied hitting him.

"Oh she'll be her later on tonight! Come beautiful, Sam can take care of the bags. I know dad's dying to see you." Stevie said wrapping an arm around her and laughing at his brother's expression, he could tell there was something going on between the two of them based on how Sam kept giving him the evil look when he would touch Mercedes.

When they entered the home Mercedes was taken aback at how wonderful and homey it looked. There living room was adorned with farmhouse style decorations, the furniture was slate gray with blue accent pieces and the fireplace was littered with pictures from the birth photos to graduation pictures. There was an accent table that had photos of Mary and each of her children and one of her and Dwight there was even one of her and Mercedes. She walked over to it and stared at it for a while trying to remember when it was taken before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"How have you been Mercy?" Dwight said smiling brightly at her. She wasn't sure what came over her but she quickly put the picture down and wrapped her arms around him hugging him tightly. She hadn't seen him in a long time and missed him dearly. He chuckled and hugged her back before letting her go and kissing her on her forehead.

"I've been good, how about you?" She said finally smiling back him. Dwight was very handsome and towered over her much like Sam, his eyes were as beautiful as the rest of his kids but they had grown weary with age.

"I've been just fine a bit lonely in this big old house but Stevie and Stacey keep me busy. Well them and that massive farm out there." He said laughing. "How's my boy been treating you? Hopefully he hasn't been to hard on you."

"He's been amazing actually." She said biting her lip and looking down smiling.

"Hmm... I see." He replied as Sam walked in and dropped the bags by the door.

"Hey Pop! How you holding up old man?" Sam said walking over to hug his dad. He knew it was a long time coming and he was actually happy to be home and around his family.

"Old man? Boy, I'll work you under the table and then some." Dwight replied laughing and hugging his son tightly, he was happy to see him and knew him being there had a great deal to do with Mercedes.

"Yeah don't I know it? Stace here?" He asked pulling away from his dad and moving closer to Mercedes, Dwight noticed his action and gave them both an amused look before letting out a soft laugh.

"No, she'll be here later and I'm sure she would've been here sooner had you told her gorgeous here was coming." He said winking at Mercedes making her blush and giggle. She always loved the Evans men, they weren't shy around women or what they thought of them.

"You guys go get settled I'll throw some meat on the grill and we can have an old fashioned Evans dinner." Dwight said patting his son on the back and heading to the kitchen.

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