Chapter 17

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"What the hell, Rachel why are you here?" Stevie said rolling his eyes. Mercedes noticed Sam's tensed state and gave him a concerned look.

"Oh don't be like that Stevie. I heard through the grapevine that all three Evans were in town and I just knew you guys would come here so I thought I'd crash. Plus it's been so long since I've seen you all... especially Sammy." She replied walking over to where Sam was sitting and smiling down at him.

"Hey there handsome, long time no talk." She said sweetly before leaning down and moving in to give him a hug which was immediately halted by an arm being stretch across him chest stopping her movements. Rachel looked up and saw the beautiful woman sitting next to Sam giving her a look telling her that the hug wasn't about to happen.

"Oh... umm... who is this?" Rachel asked looking at Sam then back at Mercedes. She gave her a once over and immediately dismissed her with a subtle shrug.

"I'm Mercedes and who are you?" Mercedes answered before Sam could say anything. She wasn't sure why but she did not like this woman and she damn sure wasn't about to let her put her grubby hands on her man. Her man. She smiled at herself internally thinking about the fact that Sam was indeed her man.

"I'm Rachel, I'm a dear friend of the family and Sam's on again off again girlfriend." She said in a snarky tone. Mercedes eyebrow rose and she couldn't help the amused smirk on her face. Oh this girl clearly don't know who she's dealing with but she will learn.

"Oh, well isn't that interesting." Mercedes said looking at Sam with cute smirk making him roll his eyes.

"Rachel we haven't dated in years and we were never on again, off again." Sam said using air quotations when he said on again, off again.

"Don't be modest Sam everyone knows about our arrangement." Rachel replied this time hugging him then started to lean in for a kiss before being stopped by Mercedes turning Sam's face towards her and tapping her fingers to her own lips. Sam smiled and leaned over and kissed his girlfriend deeply making Rachel huff and roll her eyes.

"I guess I should introduce myself properly, I'm Mercedes, Sam's girlfriend."

"Well... this is news to me that's for sure." Rachel said giving Mercedes an unpleasant look before sitting down next to Stacey. Sam could feel the anger radiating off his girlfriend and felt himself trying to stifle a laugh.

"Well... I guess that game is over." Stevie said breaking the uncomfortable silence that fell over the group.

"How about Sam and I sing for old time sake? I know you have your guitar, we can keep that tradition alive." Rachel said ignoring the glare Mercedes shot her by turning her attention to Sam.

"Yes I have it but I don't want to do that."

"Come on Sammy, there's no harm in singing with an old friend and I'm more than sure your new friend won't mind." Sam knew what Rachel was trying to do and he hoped like hell Mercedes didn't take the bait. All the years he had know Rachel he knew she could get under someone's skin quicker that a cheetah running after it prey.

"I think it' a great idea actually." Mercedes said with a sweet smile. Sam looked at her with a confused look which was met with an unbothered expression from Mercedes.

"Goodie! Come Sam, let's have some fun!" Rachel said pulling him up and walking towards the stage. Sam grabbed his guitar and couldn't help but feel odd about how calm Mercedes was about all of this but it wasn't like they were doing anything besides singing so he just played along.

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