Chapter 16

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"Come on sleepy head, adventure waits!" Sam said tickling her lightly. She tried to wiggle away from him but couldn't.

"Okay, okay! Stoppp! I'm up." She said through giggles Sam placed a finger over his lips and nodded her to the door. She quickly got up and slid her shoes on and watched as Sam grabbed two different bags and a large blanket. He handed her the blanket and smiled widely.

"Okay, ready?"

"Yep!" She said softly. She wasn't sure where they were going or why the had to sneak out to do it but she was excited and eager to see what they had planned. Sam opened the door quietly and looked down the hall before moving to the side and letting her out first, he pulled out a pin and locked the door from the outside and winked at her when he turned around. He nodded for them to head down stairs, which was a lot harder to do quietly because they kept looking at each other and giggling when they would hear the smallest sound. Once they were outside, Sam placed everything on the bed of his truck and went over to help Mercedes in before getting in his self.

"Okay, rule number one you ask where we're going once we're on the road. Rule number two, absolutely no backing out and lastly, you have to have fun." He said looking at Mercedes with excitement.

"Okay. Is that all?"

"Well... I have a special rule just for us." He said starting the engine but leaving the lights off and heading down the long driveway.


"I get to kiss you whenever and where ever I want."

"Deal." She said with a smirk. When the reached the end of the driveway he flashed his lights twice and waited until he saw another set of lights flash theirs twice then once more after a few moments. Sam smiled at her and he turned his lights as they pulled out of the driveway, with the second falling closely behind. The drive was peaceful and even though it was dark out she could see a lot of trees and country sides, the further they drove the less residential the area around them became. They turned off to a side road and went down it for a few moments before stopping and parking on the side in a grassy area.

"Okay... I know you said no questions but where the hel-" She started before he kissed her making her stop her question.

"If you don't follow the rules you will have to do an embarrassing dare." He said before unbuckling her seat belt and then getting out. He opened her door and helped her out then handed her a flashlight and winked.

"Ready suckas?" Stevie said walking up to them dancing slightly with Stacey close behind him.

"Okay did you give her the rules?" Stacey asked looking at Sam the Mercedes, they both nodded and Stacey made a face.

"All of them? Not just the ones you wanted to give her?"


"Dude! How many rules did he tell you?" Stevie asked Mercedes.

"Three, no asking where we were going, no backing out and having fun was a must."

"You're required to do one dare, since you're s significant other you have to make a rule that only Sam has to follow, the rules are not to be questioned and if we get caught you can't say who you really are... ever." Stevie said in a rush.

"Wait... caught? What do you-" She was stopped by Sam's hand on her mouth and him shaking her head.

"No! It counts! She questioned a rule!" Stacey and Stevie said at the same time laughing.

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