Chapter 23

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Two Babies and A Wedding

"Baby are you okay?"

"Mhm... just a little uncomfortable." Mercedes replied grunting slightly and letting out a deep breath. Sam looked at her a little longer and knew immediately she was in labor, he shot up and ran upstairs grabbing her shoes and her hospital bag then ran back downstairs.

"You're in labor baby." Sam said putting her shoes on and gently helping her up.

"No! These babies are not supposed to here for another three weeks and they will be staying in here until they are fully baked." Mercedes said wincing.

"Look at me, our babies are coming because they are ready and if you don't let me take you the hospital you will be having them here!" Sam said calmly pleading with his eyes. She winced again and nodded allowing him to help her out of the house and into his truck. The ride to the hospital was hectic but when they finally arrived and got her into her room, Sam called their parents and let everyone know it was time.

"Well, well, well... looks like they wanted to come a little early." Dr. Holiday said smiling at Mercedes and Sam brightly.

"I can hold them in longer if I need to... if they need to cook a little longer I mean." Mercedes said through a heavy breath.

"No need, they decide when they're ready and looks like these two are beyond ready. I'm going to check to see how dilated you are and see if we can start pushing." She replied shaking her head and putting a glow on to check her and after a few moments she nodded and smiled.

"Well, Sam I'd get changed if I were you... looks like we're about to deliver some babies." Mercedes let out a nervous breath and smiled. Sam got changed into his scrubs while nurses and aids came in to prep Mercedes and when her doctor came back also dressed fully in scrubs.

"Okay Sam, I'm going to have you grab her foot here and I need you encourage Mercedes because she's going to need to do this twice. Mercedes, when I say push you push and when I tell you to breathe, breathe... okay everyone let's bring these babies into the world!" Sam kissed Mercedes on her forehead and did what Holly told him.


"Come on baby almost there! You're doing so great!"

"Okay Mercedes one more big push!" Mercedes took in a deep breath and pushed with all her might before she heard the sweetest sound, the first baby was out and had a set of lungs on them. She couldn't help the tears falling from her face and looked at Sam who was also teary eyed but the feeling quickly changed when felt pressure building.

"Here comes baby number two, PUSH!" Mercedes braced herself and pushed with whatever superhuman strength she had left and pushed, grunting and shouting until she felt the pressure ease and then she heard the second sweetest sound she'd ever heard.

"Oh my we got two beautiful babies, you two did very well." Holly said smiling and handing the baby to the nurse, after they cleaned each baby off they handed a baby to each parent. Sam and Mercedes both let out gasps when they saw their children for the first time.

"So what should we name them?" Mercedes asked lightly caressing their daughter's face and smiling at her. She was incredibly beautiful with caramel skin, hazel eyes and light brown curls, she had her nose but everything else was Sam.

"How about Mary Marie Evans?" Sam said smiling at their son who was the spiting image of Mercedes the only thing of his was his eye color. Mercedes smiled and nodded, she found the name fitting and knew it meant a great deal to Sam.

"Hello little Mary Marie... I'm your moma and that's your daddy." She said softly while holding their daughter's hand and smiling at her.

"What about this guy? He looks like a..."

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