Chapter 9

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"Okay, even I have to admit, this is really getting out of hand."  I was going to get some breakfast, and when I realized where I was, I just shook my head.  I was in front of their house again.  "She's probably sleep anyway."

I looked through the kitchen window, and the breath left my lungs as I saw a different girl.  Her hair was white, no silver, and I could see flashes of purple as she moved around the kitchen effortlessly.  She turned, and her eyes were grey.  "She can't be..."

She paused to taste some eggs, and her smile gave her away. This girl was one and the same.  I was frozen, watching her as she prepared something else.  I couldn't snap out of my daze until she disappeared, I could only assume to wake her brother.

I looked around, and an idea struck me, and I ran off down the street to go to the store.  I knocked when I got back, but there was no answer.  As I looked up at her window, I noted it was open and smirked.  "This may be a little illegal."


I tasted the eggs when I finished and nodded as I set everything up so it would be ready when Xavier got up.  Then, I made sandwiches and went to my room to get ready.  I was packing up when someone knocked at the door.  When they knocked again, I peeked through the living room blinds and frowned.

Ezekiel was there looking up at my window.  "He's strange..."  The knocking stopped, and I went upstairs to get my bag, I froze and blinked when I saw a small bag on my bed.  I looked around, and everything looked untouched, so I looked inside.  I tilted my head.  "Pepper spray?"

I pulled it out and looked it over.  "Don't spray yourself... it hurts."  I jumped and opened my mouth to speak, only to shut it again.  "Almost...  your room's nice.  If you had opened the door, then I wouldn't be up here."

I frowned and pointed out of the window, making him chuckle.  "Or what?"  I looked at the spray in my hand and back at him, eyebrows raised.

He dropped his head.  "Just answer the door..."  He climbed back through the window, and I slammed and locked it. 

I rushed into Xavier's room.  "Zay..."

He didn't budge, and I shoved him out of the bed, making him flail a bit.  "Wha-"

"He's outside. Make him go away so I can leave, and you can go back to sleep."

He groaned.  "What time is it?"

"Sixish... come on..."  I whined.

He sighed and rubbed the sleep from his face before getting out of the floor.  I crouched at the top of the steps, out of sight when he pulled open the door.  "Why are you here at this ungodly hour?"

"She really woke you up to answer the door."

"To tell you go away."

Ezekiel was silent for a moment.  "I'll wait until she tells me herself, with her voice, won't even ask her name."

"You don't get it, do you?  She won't speak unless she has to, and right now, she doesn't have to.  Just go so I can go back to sleep."

I peeked down the steps, and it didn't look like he was planning on going anywhere.  "Well, tell her I'd like to take her out today if she's up for it."

I blinked.  Is he stupid?  My twin groaned.  "The answer is no."

"Let her tell me that."

Xavier paused, and I watched as his head turned slightly as though he averted his gaze.  That's not good. I need to work on that...  "Sis... I know you're listening."

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