Chapter 24

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I waited for everyone to leave and was going to knock on the door, but she was already coming down the tree.  But the door is right here...

I shook my head and silently followed her to the middle school.  She tested a window after looking around and my mood darkened at the thought that she may be meeting someone.  I shook it, she didn't actually like people, this worked in my favor, but how did she know about the window?

At first I was tracking her scent, then I was following her as a piano could be heard.  My breath was stolen as I heard her start to sing.  It was the same soft voice she spoke with, but this... I couldn't describe it as it filled the whole auditorium effortlessly.

She was completely unaware as my feet moved on their own.  I wanted to be close to her, I wanted to touch her.  I gave in, hoping she wouldn't feel when I touched her hair, but she did and as I covered her mouth she bit me yet again.


I looked around as I slowly opened the broken window to the middle school and slipped in.  I closed it and made my way to the theater.  I reminisced on the times I was here.  I was invisible after the first week, which I liked.  It made it easy to get in and out without any problems.

I got on the stage and sat at the grand piano, striking a few keys.  With most of the town obssessing over the fair, it was little chance of being heard, let alone bothered.  I began to play letting it flow naturally.  Eventually, I started to sing along with my tunes, the sound filling the space.

I was so caught up in my own world, I shrieked when I felt my hair shift.  A hand covered my mouth.  "It's just me..."

I bit his hand hard and ran as soon as he let go.  "Wait!"  I sprinted to the broken window, but was tackled from behind and swung wildly.  My arms were pinned to my sides.  "Please... calm down."

I closed my eyes and took a breath, knowing fighting was useless, as I used too much energy earlier.  Ezekiel sighed.  "I'm sorry, I was just so... I didn't mean to startle you."  I stayed motionless, waiting for him to let me go.

I tensed when I felt his breath on my neck as he inhaled and fought his hold again, but he held firm.  "I won't bite you."

"Let me go."

I felt his heart racing.  "Not yet... but when I do, don't run."


I could feel him struggling to maintain his composure.  "It's nice... you being close like this."

I flared my nostrils.  "Can't say I agree."

He sighed.  "After everything, I imagine not.  You have a beautiful voice."

I held my tongue between my teeth.  "I said get off."

He slowly released me and I stood to leave.  "Why are you fighting me so hard?  I know you feel it too."

I didn't pay him any mind and vaulted through the window and breathed in the cool night air.  I could hear the fair in full swing in the distance.  Why is he even here?

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and started to walk home, but he caught my arm, making goosebumps sprout under my jacket.  "Come to the fair with me."  I arched a brow and shook my head.  "Not this again..."

I looked at his hand and he let me go, so I could keep walking.  When we turned a corner, I was mildly aware we were being followed.  I took a seemingly random turn and he tensed as he felt them too.  Judging the distance from my house I signed.  "Run..."

He blinked at me.  "Wha-"

I didn't give him time to finish as I grabbed his hand and sprinted.  I pulled out my key and quickly unlocked the door and stepped in, closing and locking the door behind us.  I put my head on the door, panting.  "I take it back, I fucking hate the Season."

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