Chapter 44

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I set to drawing what I saw in the cave. "How did he know I'd take them?"

I rolled my eyes. "Because it's you."

He frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I met his gaze. "You are incredibly predictable and easy to read."

"Am not."

I scoffed. "Okay..."


I finished the first few and set my sketchbook aside. "He knew when I left and set the keys out for you to take because it's you and you, sir, would actually go looking for me."

He blinked. "He knew?"

I nodded. "We can sense each other, even now."

He narrowed his eyes. "Like how?"

I sighed and stared at nothing in particular. "Xavier and Uncle Toni are probably sleep... their not moving. Mom is... pretty busy at the hospital walking around pretty fast."

His eyes widened. "How..."

I met his gaze. "All of us can do it up to a certain distance, Zay and I have the longest range."

"So they knew when you left?" I nodded. "Why didn't they go after you?"

"I wander off and come back. If Zay heard him... they probably did too. They knew I was going to check it out."

"It wasn't safe."

I turned my head as I sensed someone nearing. "No..."

They loomed right at the edge of my range and I stood. "Your borders really are slack." I walked into Xavier's room. "Thought he was chased off..."

"What are you talking about?"

I blinked. "The man from the fair... he's about 10 miles out, not coming any closer right now though."

He frowned. "Where?" I nodded in the direction and he disappeared. I sat against the wall and closed my eyes, he was pacing. "They'll get him."

I tilted my head as I felt 4 wolves rushing towards him. "Not like that they won't... he'll hear them and run." Sure enough, he paused and took flight. I frowned. "He's gone."

He knelt in front of me. "How can you do that?"

I shrugged. "Always have... he could too. He felt you coming soon after I did. Then the others too."

He furrowed his brow. "But..."

I smiled. "We've always been strange... I can only imagine what it would feel like with a pack as large as yours..." I thought for a moment. "My dad never could... Uncle Toni would tell him of threats coming."

He searched my face. "That's... cool actually."

I shrugged and got up. "It's who we are. Can you go now, I'd like to sleep."

He was disappointed. "But... you're here alone."

I nodded. "That would have been the point."

He bit his lip as I stood in front of my door. "I mean... can't you go back to the other place?" I shook my head. "This would be a lot easier if you weren't an Alpha."

I smirked. "Prefer your women tame? Go find one, Brenda would right up your alley actually."

He grimaced. "No... not what I meant." I crossed my arms and leaned against the frame. "You're just safer there..."

I raised my eyebrows. "Against your pack? The odds are in my favor."

That struck a nerve. "What?"

I smirked. "We'd like to take a day and train with your pack, that is... if you guys are up to it."

He frowned. "Why?"

I sighed. "Other than you... none of them can take either of us. Caleb could go a few rounds, but he's trained with us so..."

He narrowed his eyes. "Is that a challenge?"

I smiled mischievously. "If that's what you want to call it."

He nodded, interest sparked. "Okay, you guys lose, you go on a date with me."

I chuckled. "Okay... you lose, you sing, Saturday night at this little get together you have going."

He blinked. "How do you know about that?"

I tilted my head. "Scared?"

He smirked. "Definitely not."

I held out my hand. "Game on, Mr. Valencia... may the best pack win."

His confidence was entertaining. "Oh... we will. Who will be participating?"

"All four of us."

His eyes widened. "All of you? Your mom?"

I nodded. "She is a part of my pack."

He sighed. "Alright, tomorrow after school then."

"In a rush to lose?"

He pulled me into him, making me gasp as a shock went through me. "Trust me... I won't lose."

I flared my nostrils. "We will see..."

He held me to him as I tried to move back. "You are cute when your competitive."

I frowned. "Unhand me."

He sighed. "Still fighting..."

"Ezekiel..." Taking a step back, I gestured toward the door. "Go home."

He thought for a moment. "I'll sleep on the couch. I don't want you alone."

Worry flooded me. "Why are you so persistent about this? I'll be fine."

He pursed his lips. "I'll just be hanging around outside... it bothers me."

I sighed. "Guest room, two doors down. Give me his keys."

He beamed. "I'll take it."

I snatched the keys from his hand. "Anything out of line and you leave."

He held his hands up. "Best behavior, got it."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door when I stepped in to my room. "Maybe a broken leg..." I laid in bed, feeling his happiness and that it soothed him to be near. "So strange..."

Taking a breath, I got a feel of the area and where everyone was. Mom had slowed down, the other two were still in the same place. I relaxed, knowing they were good and turned to my side closing my eyes. Tomorrow will be fun...


I was happy, though I would prefer for her to be next to me right now. She can feel people up to a certain distance, she did it before after she was chased. Her and her brother felt the wolves outside the wall.

I smiled a bit. I'm finally going to get my date. Us against those four? That was easy, I wonder what she likes to eat... she always cooks or her mom does, she doesn't eat at school. I frowned as I realized I didn't know much about her at all. What music she liked, her favorite movies, her favorite food, hell, her favorite color. None of that matter until now because I'm just trying to keep her talking. I'll ask when we go out maybe after...

Again I couldn't keep my mind on track. The way she felt in my arms, even though she always pushed me away, it felt right. Then the woods... she didn't have a care in the world that I was right there and could have seen everything.

Images of her flashed through my mind and I groaned. I can't keep this up, but I won't go sleep with someone else just to get the edge off. My wolf glared at me when the thought crossed my mind. We both know we couldn't do that to her no matter how much she fought, no matter how long it took, we would wait.

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