Chapter 30

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I smiled because no matter where I wandered her scent was covered.  It put me at ease, very few wolves could find her scent under mine.  The day was better until school ended and I heard rumors about 'Donovan's Silver Fairy'.  I bit my tongue and rushed to the front, almost drawing blood when some football players purposely threw a ball in her direction.

I heard it all and it was all I could do not to kill my own pack.  They were making her out to be a slut, I didn't like it and though she didn't show it, it hurt her.  "I suggest you both leave..."

I almost lost my resolve when she turned and smiled, handing my jacket back to me.  If they weren't gawking at her with lustful eyes I would have taken it, but they were.  So instead, I pulled her into my side, knowing she'd be pissed.  "I said go."

They scurried off and I had a momentary breath of relief.  Her brother even thanked me and they had a half silent argument.  In his anger he almost let it slip, but the threat in her eyes was evident.  It didn't matter I had a letter, her name started with a 'V'.  Now I could guess at it until she gave it away.


Caleb and I waited and the gates for Xavier who frowned as soon as he saw me.  "Why must you go around causing trouble?"

"No clue what you're talking about."

I felt something coming fast and we ducked.  I glared when I heard a bunch of boys laughing and saw a football was what was aimed at us.  "Hey, girl... bring that over here would you?"

I rolled my eyes and we started to walk away.  "Hey!  We're talking to you!"

Xavier tensed as one ran towards us to get it, then stopped in front of us.  "What's your name, girl?"  I gave him a long look and walked around him.  "Aren't you Donovan's girl?"

I almost reacted, but kept myself in check as another one came up behind us as we walked.  "Funny, Donovan's girl, but has the future Alpha's jacket on."

I heard them shift.  "Maybe she let both have a try."

They ran in front of us again.  "How about try us out, we promise we'll make it worth your while."

Xavier flared his nostrils.  "Get out of our way."

They laughed, thinking he was a pushover.  "Have you taken her for a ride too, this just gets better and better."

"I suggest you both leave..."

They stopped their jeering and looked behind us.  "We ju-"

I turned and smiled, taking off his jacket and holding it out for him.  He looked me over and grabbed it along with my hand pulling me into him.  "I said go."

I blinked as the sudden contact made me feel weird and he put his arm around my shoulders.  "O-okay..."

I wiggled out of his grasp and glared at him.  "What?"

"What was that?"

He blinked.  "I just... sorry."

I huffed and turned on my heel.  Xavier looked at him, grateful.  "Thank you is what she meant to say."

I scowled at him and Caleb pushed my shoulders.  "Who is Donovan?"

"Some guy who was stalking me today."

Xavier glared.  "What?"  I shrugged.  "This is serious, no more wandering."

"And who's going to stop me?"

He stopped me.  "I'm not playing, V-"  I raised my eyebrows daring him to finish.  "Xena... anything could happen to you."

I rolled my eyes.  "Whatever..."

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