Chapter 53

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I tackled the boy pinning our friend to the ground and growled as we faced off.  "What the fuck didn't you understand?"  I looked to see Aurora unconscious.

Xavier checked her and faced the other boy.  "Alive..."

I nodded as the one in front me smirked.  "Just wanted to show her around... our hospitality."

I approached him slowly.  "Let me show you ours."


I glared at Ezekiel.  "If you can't keep you fucking wolves in line then maybe we should make a point of showing you how."

He looked at the scene and his eyes turned crimson.  "We wi-"

"Give them a slap on the wrist."

He growled.  "Yo-"

I snarled in response.  "Would break the treaty?  Fuck yes."

More of his pack were charging towards us.  "We'll take care of this."


I turned to my brother as my mother was checking on Aurora.  "What?"

"Let them... she's okay."

I clenched my fists.  "Fine, but we leave after the party Saturday."

My family nodded in agreement.  "You ca-"

"We clearly aren't safe here and you have no place to tell me what I can and can't do.  For my pack, I'll take the risk.  Xavier pack up.  We won't be staying in their borders for the remainder of our time here."

He nodded and walked off as Ezekiel grabbed my shoulders.  "You're not thinking straight."

I ignored his panic, meeting his eyes directly.  "I am actually, since moving grades, I've been harrassed and attacked.  Xavier has been teased.  Now, this... we can't stay, especially when your pack blatantly disrespect the orders of you and your father."

He was at a loss as we were surrounded by his wolves, growling at us.  I glanced at the boys who attacked Aurora.  "You do what you want to take care of yours... I'm doing what I have to, to take care of mine."

I went to my mother.  "Can she be moved?"

She nodded.  "She just needs rest."

I started to pick her up.  "I ca-"

I shook my head at Viorel.  "I've got her... if you can help my brother please.  Mom call Uncle Toni, we're moving now."

She put a hand on my shoulder as I stood.  "We stand with you."

I looked at my friend's face, she looked peaceful.  "Not sure why... I brought them here."

Viorel sighed.  "There's no way you could have known..."

I met his gaze.  "I'll have to disagree.  Let's move, I won't go too far until you catch up."

I lost her, I knew if anything like this happened then she would leave.  I couldn't even form a good argument to make her stay.  They attacked her best friend, her pack and that was the last straw, she felt she had to leave.

She was right, my pack didn't respect us or listen, how many times did we say not to touch them, not to cause them harm only to be disobeyed, repeatedly.  I understand that she doesn't feel it is safe because honestly, it isn't, not for them.

The only reason I think we hadn't had trouble lately was not because we said anything, no that wasn't enough, it was because they fought back... and they won.  It wasn't until after Donovan's jaw was broken, Brenda knocked out, or those other boys beaten up did they really understand not to fuck with them.

I was disgusted, had we really fallen so far.  We were once the most feared and respected pack in this region. Now... I couldn't even stand to look at them, I wanted to kill them because they couldn't just...

It wasn't just them though, we had gotten slack, even my father stated as much after seeing how a pack with a 14 year old leader was more disciplined than ours, who just found out she was a wolf no less.  More disciplined, better trained, and respectful, Violet didn't even have to speak and they followed.  We are a disgrace and because if that, she's leaving.

Aurora came to as I dashed through the trees.  "Vi-"

I glanced down at her.  "I'm sorry, Ray..."

She shook her head as I stopped and set her on the ground.  "How did you..."

I looked her over myself.  "Did they do anything before you were out?"

She lowered her gazing shaking her head.  "I was just coming to stay with you for the night and got cornered .  I hit my head when he tackled me."

I sighed.  "Okay..."

She looked at me curiously.  "How did yo-"

"We felt danger... me and Zay..."

She looked past me.  "The others are coming.  Where are we going?"

I looked at the woods around us.  "Just past the border... until after the contract has ended.  Then, we'll figure it out."

She smiled.  "I can't wait until we are all together... you will be a great Alpha."

I dropped my head.  "Everyone sounds so sure about that."

She touched my face.  "You came as soon as you felt me in trouble.  You are taking us away from those who would do us harm without causing more conflict."

I closed my eyes.  "This happened because I let you come here, knowing how they treated us prior."

She shook her head.  "You thought you could could trust them... and the Alpha and his son sure, but they have no control over their pack... that's not your fault."

Xavier emerged with Viorel and handed me a bag.  "Where to?"

I looked to the West.  "There's a small town on the edge of the border.  Close enough to do what we need to do."

He nodded.  "Let's make it happen."

"When the others get here."

He tilted his head.  "Why?"

I pursed my lips.  "You know what happens if one of us is harmed.  I need to be sure everyone can complete this without causing undue trouble."

He nodded.  "True."

When everyone arrived and were accounted for, we went to the town.  Once settled in the hotel I faced them all meeting each of their eyes.  "I'm sure you all are curious about this impromptu relocation... one of us were attacked tonight."

Looks of outrage painted their faces.  "I feel the same, however, I will only say this once.  We will finish the event on Saturday, with no conflict whatsoever.  Those who feel they can not do so speak now."

They shifted uncomfortably, but no one spoke up and I nodded.  "You will not touch them, any contact is strictly business.  The night of, we will not mingle with them, just do our job and leave.  Understood?"

They voiced their understanding.  "Good, get some sleep, we have a bit of searching to do before rehearsals."

They went to their rooms and Aurora hung back.  "He will try to convince you to stay..."

I sighed.  "I know..."

She watched me closely.  "What is he to you... most guys would have been crushed by now."

I met her gaze.  "I'll never admit this to anyone else and will deny it if you repeat it."  She nodded.  "He's my mate."

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