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"go get some coffee." madison offers and i shake my head. "i'll meet you there."

i look up at her and sigh.

"where are you-" i begin to ask but she stops me.

"i have errands to run. you can't know yet." she shakes her head and i roll my eyes. "i'll meet you at the café."

"why can't i-"

"just go to the café. trust me." she ends the call and i stare at my phone in shock and confusion.

where could she possibly be going that she couldn't tell me about? does she not trust me? maybe she's friends with heather.

i grab my car keys and get into the car. it's a short drive since i don't live that far away.

it takes a while for me to convince myself to go inside though. calum and i used to come here a lot.

"come on maryah." i whisper to myself, opening the car door. "you've got this."

i slowly walk inside and the familiar smell fills my senses. it calms me down as i walk up to the counter, sitting down in the first empty seat i find.

"one coffee please." i smile at the waiter before i turn to see a familiar figure. "harry?"

i do a double take and he turns around, automatically smiling.

"maryah?" his eyes twinkle a bit and i feel like i'm home again. i've missed this feeling.

"it's so good to see you." i take in his appearance, staring at him in awe. "you look good."

"so do you." he blushes a bit and my heart melts at the sight. "you look happier."

maybe i really am a good actress. i don't feel happier. i didn't feel happy until a few moments ago.

"thank you." i smile softly, turning away as a blonde girl walks past me.

"harry, who is this?" she's blonde and her accent is hard to make out.

"this is maryah." he quickly answers and i watch as she cuddles up to him.

maybe this is his new girlfriend. that wouldn't make sense if he was with louis. oh my god... where is louis?

"who is that?" i ask, referring to the girl and harry's mood changes.

"camille." harry says her name in a monotone voice. he doesn't sound as happy as he did before.

i reach for her hand, shaking hers.

"you're the soulmate?" she asks and i smile softly, harry talks about me.

"yeah." i nod and she smiles before walking away. "she's beautiful."

i turn to harry, catching him watching me. he quickly looks away and nods, sucking in a sharp breath.

"she is." he nods, sounding like he's forced to say it. if i didn't know any better, i would think someone was holding a gun to his head.

we sit in silence for a few minutes, giving the waiter time to bring me my coffee.

"so, you and calum?" he clears his throat and i laugh softly, quickly shaking my head.

"no, we broke up."

"oh, i'm so sorry." he almost spits out his drink, quickly apologizing.

"don't be sorry. it's for the better." i shake my head and smile softly.

this feels like history repeating itself. this feels like back when i had to act like i was okay with seeing harry happy without me.

"do you mind me asking what happened?" he looks up at me, meeting my eyes. his voice is soft, so are his eyes.

"he wanted to be with his soulmate." i shrug, leaving out the fact that calum cheated on me.

"that sucks."

god, if only you knew.


i stare down at my hands, trying not to cry and he notices.

"so, are you talking to anyone else?" he scratches the back of his neck. "you know, romantically?"

"no." i shake my head. "dating isn't for me."

before he can respond, camille walks up to where we're sitting and points to her wrist.

harry quickly stands up, turning to me with a smile.

"i wish we had more time to talk but camille has a thing she needs to be at." he looks sorry for me. "it was nice talking to you."

"you too." i smile. "good bye."

"good bye." he walks away and i grab my straw, twirling it around in my drink.

"i'm in love with you."

it's the truth. it's easy to say you're over someone and not be around them, but it's hard to convince yourself that the butterflies you're getting with every glance is just a friend thing.

the feelings never faded, they were just bearable.

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