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"that's a wrap." luke calls out as the four boys disperse to take a break from practicing.

this is my first session and so far they're really good. calum invited me so we can go on a date right after. he hasn't introduced me to the other three boys though.

i only know luke's name because the drummer keeps yelling at him for little things. luke you're standing too far ahead. luke you're singing to loud. luke my stick broke again.

at one point he even said that luke had an ugly back profile.

calum seemed to be getting upset but the fourth boy seemed to be preoccupied. like he's in his own world while performing. you can tell he really likes playing the guitar.

"so you're the girl calum is dating." he sits beside me and takes a sip of his water, holding his opposite hand out for me to shake.

"yeah." i nod, smiling softly before turning back to calum.

"what's your name?" he pulls his hand away, closing his water bottle and i look at him again.


"like mariah carey? the singer?" his eyes widen and i toss my head back, facing the sky, letting out a loud laugh.

"no." i shake my head and he seems proud of his joke.

"well, that's a pretty name."

"thank you." i smile, turning to see that luke and the drummer are now laughing with eachother again as calum stands with them.

"i'm michael."

"that's a pretty name too." i mock his previous statement and his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.

"you can call me mikey." he smiles. "so, how did you and calum meet?"

"we grew up together." i explain and he furrows his eyebrows.

"you lived in aus-" he begins to ask before i cut him off.

"oh, no. our parents met when my family was traveling. cal and i kind of just hit it off." i explain and he smiles softly.

"a real love story." the statement makes me smile, my stomach doing flips.

"do you play?" he asks, gesturing towards the instruments and i quickly shake my head.

"me?" i raise my eyebrows and he nods. "no."

"why not?" he asks as if i look like i can play any instrument.

"i just don't." i shrug and he sighs.

"you look like you're musically talented."

"i used to sing," i shrug and his jaw drops. "but that's something that i don't do anymore."

"so you're name IS like mariah carey's name." he smirks, leaning back in his seat. "i knew it."

"no, it's not."

before michael can respond, the drummer is calling his name for them to leave. he quickly stands up, setting his water bottle down and smiling at me.

"well, i have to go. i'll see you later." he smiles and i quickly, but calmly, respond.

"we should talk sometime."

"yeah, we should." he seems content with my offer before walking away.

"see you later."

i hear calum calling my name so i turn to look at him but am shot back into reality.

"maryah." madison is waving her hand in my face and i feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

"yeah, i'm listening." i try to shake the flashback i just had, out of my head and she sighs in defeat.

"are you thinking about him again?" she asks and i scrunch my nose up.


"michael." she looks at me as if i already knew who she was talking about.

"no." i shake my head. "why would i be thinking about michael?"

probably because you broke his heart. or because you two were inseparable and now you haven't spoken to him in days. or maybe even because he's you're best friend...at least he was.

"because you won't stop asking if he's okay." madison rolls her eyes. she's right. ive asked about michael almost twice every day since i stopped talking to him.

"right." i mumble, a lump forming in my throat.

"he'll come around soon." she smiles softly and i nod, blinking the tears away.

"i'm sure."

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