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i'm not going to lie, it's been a rough few days.

first, i saw mikey at the store and he looked sad which honestly broke my heart.

second, i heard harry moan which is weird since i'll only be able to hear him if he's thinking about me.

third, calum has apparently been trying to reach out to me. i found out when i was hanging out with gigi, zayn and louis. i was holding louis' phone and talking to gigi when calum's name popped up. he was calling louis.

when i asked louis about it he showed me all the missed calls and told me he's been asking if i'm okay. weird.

before i can finish my thoughts, my phone starts ringing. i roll out of bed and answer the call without looking at who it is.


"hey, i'm sorry if i woke you up but i need you to come to your front door." it's madison. she sounds out of breath.

"why-" i begin to ask but i hear her beating on my door.

i hang up the call and grab my glasses, slowly walking to the front door, rubbing my eyes.

"you called me?" i ask, barely adjusting my eyes enough to see her.

"yes, okay. so don't get mad at me," she quickly says, shoving a paper towards me. "but here."

i look down at the paper that has a stamp, in big red letters, diagonally across it that says "CONFIDENTIAL".

"what is this?" i ask, looking up at her, holding the paper delicately, in case i do something to mess it up on accident.

"the number of heart breaks you have left." madison rubs her palms together and my jaw drops.

this has to be a joke.

"i can't have this." i quickly shake my head, shoving the paper back at her. "take it bac-"

"no!" she shoves it back at me, as if i'm the one that stole it.

"maryah just read it." a deeper voice says and i see that it's michael.

"you were in on this?" i roll my eyes. i didn't expect him to be the type of person that steals documents, but life is full of surprises.

"just read how many you have left." he gestures to the paper and i laugh at how insane this situation is.

"we're going to get in trouble. we have to-"

"read it!" michael raises his voice, causing my breathing to stop. i stare at him in shock as madison speaks again.

"how many do you have left?" she asks as i look down at the paper, my heart sinking.


they both look shocked and confused and i don't know how i should feel.

this is good, right? i only have one heart break left until i find my soulmate.


harry is my soulmate...


i've been staring at this damn paper for a few hours now, trying to figure out what it means. before i can think any further, someone knocks on my door.

"come in!" i quickly shove the paper under my pillow, not wanting to answer any questions.

"how are you feeling?" my aunt asks, referring to the breakup, and i shrug.

"i'm alright." i nod. "some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes."

"alright, well i'm here for you." she looks around my room. "you know that, right?"

"yeah, i know." i smile softly and she leaves my room without another word.

i pull the paper out from under my pillow and stare at it. this could mean so many things.

"how do i only have one left?" i shake my head in denial.

"maybe you haven't met your soulmate yet." harry whispers, his voice startling me.

"that doesn't make any sense. i already know that you're my soulmate." i argue and i hear him sigh.

"maybe it's counting down to something else."

what could it be, though? my death? my awakening? what if this is all a dream like it was before? granted, most of the stuff from my dream last time came true, but i don't know if i want this one to come true.

"how many do you have left?" i ask this question with caution, not sure i'll like the answer.


okay well he's with camille so that heart break is a given, but i'm not with anyone.


i can't wrap my mind around this.

the paper says i have one heart break left but i'm single. it says that harry has one heart break left but he's with camille.

what else could happen that could break my heart?

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