Chapter 20: Jess' Tutor

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Luke didn't know Jess was in Chilton the night of our play, neither did I mention it to him. Jess has made his point clear, for some reason he likes to fight all of a sudden. I don't.

Even the nights I work at the diner he can't show me one smile. I thought that we were going somewhere the night he had been waiting at my house, but I was wrong. Again.

In school everyone is feeling stressed for our upcoming exams. December isn't long anymore and I can't wait for a break.

My mother hadn't joked when she told me education at Chilton was hard, because it was. Still I'd rather be here than back on the dancefloor. I can't help it.

'Are you free tonight?' I ask Rory when we walk to Astronomy, our hands filled with books. Everyone knows Rory and I are almost twins when it comes to our personality. Sometimes it can be annoying but on the other hand, I love having a good friend.

'I'm not sure, Dean and I may go to the movies but lately Kirk works there and, I mean you know him, he can be kind of annoying', she explains when we walk in the class.

'Does Dean know Tristan is gone?' I ask curious but she shakes her head a little, a red blush appearing on her cheeks. I have noticed a long time ago that Rory and Dean aren't the same as they used to be, but I only never thought Tristan could cause that. 'Why not?'

'I just didn't think of it. Dean really hates him', she notices. I would almost tell she is upset. 'Are you and Dean fine? Lately he has been a little ...'

'Jealous?' Rory answers my sentence and I nod. 'I guess he is only protective. First he is mad at Tristin and now Jess ...'

'Jess?' I ask louder than I want to. Her eyes widen a little surprised when we sit down, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

'Luke asked me to tutor Jess, he isn't doing well in school', she explains. Luke has asked Rory? Why would he ask her when I almost study every night in the diner during my breaks? I can tutor Jess myself easily.

I don't answer her, lost in my own thoughts when class starts. I have noticed her concerned look, even after class she tries to talk to me about it again, asking me if I knew Jess from before he came to Stars Hollow.

I can't but lie, he would kill me if I tell people the truth, especially citizens of our own town. Instead I walk to the bus, trying to forget about this whole day.

(time skip)

At Luke's that night, Jess and I have to work together but we don't say a word. Luke has noticed it also, but he doesn't seem annoyed by the tension. I would say he almost seems glad. I never understand him.

Lorelai and Rory walk in when it gets dark outside, taking their usual coffee with extra caffeine. I catch Rory's gaze for a second, but all I can do is smile vague. It has been bothering me a lot what she told me earlier today. Only I don't have a reason to be mad at her, it isn't her fault.

Once Lorelai leaves, Rory walks to the counter, asking me for another donut. I take it when she turns to Jess, raising an eyebrow when she tries to get his attention.

'Are you ready?', she asks when he doesn't look up. 'You need to be more specific', he answers, mocking her. I feel a stab in my stomach, hearing the tone he always mocked me with and now he isn't even talking to me.

I accidently drop a plate, the glass breaks in pieces when it touches the floor. Without saying another word Jess kneels to the ground at the same moment I do, our hands touching softly when he takes another piece of glass.

'You should serve the people, this could hurt you', he whispers. I look up at him, tears in my eyes. I can't even tell if I am sad or only frustrated by what I have done.

Once everything is clean I leave to walk home, seeing Rory and Jess take place at a table with their books. He didn't even bother to look at me, not even saying anything when I leave.

I can see he is happy with her presence, and I want to be excited for him. I want him to have everything his heart desires. But it is so damn hard.

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