Chapter 21: I'll always love you

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'What happened?' I ask Rory when I meet her in school. 'Nothing', she whispers when she tries to open her locker. On her left wrist she is wearing a cast and by the look on her face I can tell she isn't pleased about it.

I keep staring at her, trying to force her to tell me the truth. After a while she sighs, opens her locker and takes two books out of it that she drops immediately. I kneel and take them of the ground, Paris joining us in a hurry. Whatever she is planning on telling us, it can wait.

'What did you do princess?' she says, looking at Rory's cast. 'I got in a car accident', she mumbles. 'What? How did that happen?' I ask confused.

'Was your silly boyfriend driving horribly?' Paris guesses amused. 'Maybe he isn't that perfect after all'.

'Dean wasn't driving, Jess was', Rory says harsh and regrets it immediately. My gaze turns black for a moment and all I can do is stare at the floor. 'Jess?' Paris asks. 'Who is Jess, I thought you were with Dean?'

'I am with Dean!', Rory defends herself. 'Are you sure of that?' I ask confused and leave both of them behind, my anger raising up. She has been driving around with Jess, they haven't even studied. I only can wonder what Luke will think about this.

Jess has endangered Rory and I know her mother won't be pleased about that. Knowing Lorelai, she is going to fight back.

(time skip)

'It wasn't his fault', Rory defends Jess after another class of history. I haven't properly talked about this, it is clear she can't understand my frustration.

'I realise it wasn't his fault, Rory. I only think that what you are doing to Dean isn't good', I tell, closing my locker harder than I was planning on. 'Dean and I are fine', she mumbles.

'Are you? Because the last time I checked you still haven't told Dean about what has happened'. My eyes widen a little when she looks at the ground, knowing that this isn't good. 'Why does this makes you so upset? Jess wrecked my car not yours'.

I stop walking immediately, realising how much attention we are getting from students in the hall. I can't even explain what I am feeling. Yes, maybe I am jealous, maybe I am angry at Jess for endangering her life and maybe I am angry at Rory for treating Dean like this. This is none of my business.

'Madelaine', Paris walks over to me, grabbing my arm excited when Rory follows us into the bathroom. Once the door is closed I stand in front of the mirror, washing my hands because I have nothing better to do.

'I was wondering if you have changed your mind about the interview', Paris tries again. I look at her reflexion in the mirror, seeing how hopeful she actually is.

'I'm not doing the interview, Paris. No one cares about my life', I say soft, the cold water on my hands easing my mind a little.

'At least give us the name of that boy in New York. That picture is horrible I can't recognize a face', she keeps on trying. I dry my hands with a piece of paper and walk over to the door again, ignoring her statement but she closes it again when I open it, her look more threatening now.

'We need his name, Madelaine', she hisses. I sigh deep, holding my hands against my forehead when Rory keeps watching us, not saying a word. 'Not even his first name, what about a last name?' She holds the picture in front of my face, letting me remember that one night we had. That last night.

I feel heat raising up my cheeks, anger for everything I have lost three years ago. 'Can you look at this and not care at all? I mean ....'

'Jess!' I yell at her. Rory's eyes widen a little when I confess his name, tears out of anger in my eyes.

'Jess Mariano', I hiss at Paris before I open the door. 'You mean the same Jess as ...' She starts, turning to Rory, but I'm already outside.

'Madelaine?' Rory asks but I walk out the door, followed by more gazes than I want. Of course they care about my problems, only for the wrong reasons.

(time skip)

That night Lydia asks me if I want to eat something, but I tell her I have already eaten at Luke's. Lying to Lydia isn't smart but I don't care, after school I did go to Luke's.

I worked as usual and this time I had been the one to ignore Jess. As if he cared at all. I sit behind my desk, browsing through some old pictures of me on the stage in diverse countries. What if I have made a mistake based on what Jess has told me in New York.

He has been the reason I stopped dancing, he has decided my destiny for a part. I put my hand in the old box again, taking more pictures and an envelope. I look at the front, seeing my name written in the most recognizable handwriting.

I flip it over and read Jess' name, Shipping Address: New York. I don't even bother to read his whole letter, tears run down my cheeks only by seeing the way he has written my name.

"I'll always love you." That is how he ended the letter. How big a lie can be.

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