An Irritated Prince

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A/N: So hello! I've been meaning to write a Vegeta X Reader for a while and well, here she is! So excited for you all to read it. Please enjoy! :)

"Vegeta! What's got you so irritated today?" You laughed at the Prince's attitude.

Today was your training day alone with Vegeta, and his irritability and anger was through the roof.

Sure, being the best friend of The Prince subjected you to his rather frequent bad moods, but today was different.

"Why I-" He looked over at you with a look of disgust on his face. He raised an eyebrow as he gritted his teeth at you and crossed his arms.

"Come on Vegeta. It's just us training today. You know you can tell me anything."

You walked over to your lifelong friend and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

He tensed at the contact at first, but was quick to relax after you gave him a sympathetic look.

Vegeta was never one to speak of his feelings, but every once in a while you could get him to spill his guts.

"Well..." He grumbled, turning his back to you, arms still crossed. "I'm nearing 18."

You giggled, not quite understanding what the big deal was.


He, again, was reluctant.

"It's only a matter of time before my father and mother start looking for a suitress for their beloved son." Vegeta mumbled quickly, rolling his eyes in the process.

"And what's so wrong with that?"

He snarled loudly as if the answer was obvious.

"Don't you realize!? I am meant to be a warrior, not a husband! I have responsibilities and I do not have time for a pathetic wife or any sort of children!" He snapped.

You looked apologetically at him.

"Your mother would be devasted Vegeta." You lowered your voice. "You're her only son. Someone has to carry the bloodline!"

He sighed and frowned in your direction, eyes closing as he put his head down.

"I am aware. Which is why I have to keep my mouth shut!"

Although Vegeta was close with his mother and loved her dearly, he was as stubborn as ever. The fact he was even slightly willing to give up his dreams for her was surprising to you.

"Well, why don't you go find someone? Maybe you will at least have some sort of control?" You suggested.

His eyes went wide and his head went back down again. His cheeks began to turn red.

This was a very rare occurrence, and you knew that you were one of very few to see the prince so flustered in this sort of way.

"I-I- uh-" he cleared his throat quickly before pushing his feelings down to his stomach.

"Have you lost your mind? I cannot just go perusing the streets like some low class imbecile!"

You held your hands up in defense.

"I was just suggesting! You don't have to be a dick to me 'Geeta!"

His face went red as he clenched his fists and began to scream.

"Well, maybe if someone wasn't such an incompetent bitch, I would not have to act in such ways!"

He threw a blast at the wall, causing a loud noise, before sassily walking out of the training room and going towards his own.

You didn't take his words to heart.

You knew Vegeta had issues with his anger, and you also knew that he was really trying to control it.

The truth was, Vegeta's mother and your mother were best friends.

Your father was a Saiyan warrior, one of King Vegeta's best. You were considered high class due to your father's previous military rankings. Not to mention, your family was insured care due to your mothers being so close.

Vegeta had always been a character. He was someone who you admired deeply.

Vegeta had always been there by your side, especially when your father passed away. Vegeta has been training with you
since then. Each and everyday.

You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a bit of a crush on the Prince of the Saiyans. You were the only one who truly got to see his soft side (which was a very rare sight by the way).

And sure, it hurt your feelings when he said he didn't want a wife because you had always imagined yourself being exactly that for him.

But you knew just the trick to get Vegeta to crack.

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