Life On Earth

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After giving birth, you made it your mission to give Daio a good life. You knew it would already be tough for him, not having a father figure and all.

You had taught Daio everything he knew. You built a small cottage in the middle of the forest, far away from suburban and city life.  You hunted for your and Daio's meals. You took Daio under your wing and taught him survival skills.

He was strong and as stubborn as ever. He had quite a little personality. It reminded you much of his father.

You told him stories of Planet Vegeta. Of his father, the Prince. You told him all about the truth. About Frieza, the space pod, him being born the moment you arrived. Everything. You didn't want to shelter your child, but also Earthlings confused you profusely. Even now that you've lived on Earth for over a decade, humans were odd. You tried to keep Daio away from the city, knowing that he would be confused seeing you confused. It was hard for Daio at first, but he was smart and strong willed. He came to understand everything.

As for appearance, he was almost a carbon copy of Vegeta. He had the dark eyes and everything. Even so, his power level was greater than his father's at this age. Daio was thirteen and always shocked you with his power. He would have made an amazing warrior.

And as of now, he was out searching for dinner.

"Hello mom." He entered the house, veggies in his hands. "You'll never believe what I found."

"What!?" You gasped as you looked at him, a smirk upon his face.

"I found a boy while I was out looking for dinner. He told me his name was Gohan." He grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door, pointing to a little boy standing in your yard.

The poor boy looked terrified. "Look, he has a tail!" Daio announced turning to Gohan and pointing to his tail.

"Daio! You can't be going around stealing children! I'm sure his family is worried sick." You grabbed your son by the ear and pulled him away from Gohan.

The little boy shrunk down against a tree, visibly shaking.

"Now, Gohan. Do you know how to get home from here?" You crouched down to be level with the boy.

He shook his head no as tears started streaming down his face.

"Hey, sweetheart it's okay. We'll find your family. Do you know your parents' names?"

"Uh huh." He sniffled. "Chi-Chi is mommy. Goku is daddy."

Goku. That name sounded awfully familiar.

You giggled as you picked him up.

"Okay Gohan. We'll get you home."

You started flying and looked over at your son. "Now you. I expect you to give me some sort of direction as to where you found him! I'm sure his house is nearby."

Daio rolled his eyes, knowing that was a risky game to play with you.

"Fine." He mumbled.

He took the lead as you followed close behind, being sure to make sure Gohan felt safe.

"How old are you Gohan?" You asked the little boy.


Jeez. A little young to be out in the woods by himself.

You traveled maybe five minutes before Daio led you to the ground. His arms crossed as he looked over to you. "Here."

"Drop the attitude." You growled. "Otherwise no training for a week."

His arms immediately dropped to his side. "Yes ma'am."


"Daddy! I'm here!" Gohan jumped up and down as you watched his father lower himself to the ground. He was riding a big, orange cloud.

"Hey kiddo! Where have you been? Your mother almost had my head!" Goku exclaimed, picking Gohan up and ruffling his hair.

"I was lost." Gohan frowned. "But this nice lady helped me!"

Goku looked at you.

Oh my gosh! He's the one who helped me when I landed here!

"Jeez! Thanks." Goku sighed in relief. "Hey! Aren't you the lady who gave birth to that-"

Goku looked over at Daio and gasped. "Wow! Not a baby anymore!"

He giggled as he scratched the back of his head. "What's your name?"

"Daio." He grumbled, crossing his arms and looking off to the side.

"Wow! Talk about a bad attitude!"

"Well, if you met his father you wouldn't be surprised." You pulled your son into a tight hug.

"You've got quite the power level for a kid your age." Goku exclaimed. "Who's been training you?"

"I have, actually." You blushed, looking down at the ground. "Back on our home planet I was the strongest female saiyan."

"Well hey! Maybe I can show you two some techniques from here on Earth sometime."

"Yeah for sure!" You smiled.

"Speaking of which...what's your name again?"


"Okay Y/N. I have some questions for you. Maybe we could head back to my place and while the boys play, we can talk."

"I'm not playing with a four year old." Daio scrunched his nose and looked over at you.

"Yes you are." You grabbed his collar and dragged him over near Goku. "And yes Goku, we will talk." 

"Let's go!" Goku placed Gohan next to him and they took off, you and Daio following close behind.

Once you landed, Goku sent the boys inside and took you aside to talk to you.

"So, we had an encounter with a Saiyan not too long ago. He told us planet Vegeta was destroyed. His name was Raditz. We just barely beat him. He told us a year from now, two more Saiyans would be arriving. They're working under someone named Frieza. I need to know something..."

Your heart stopped.



Two more Saiyans.

Tears started escaping your eyes and before Goku could ask his question, you fell into his chest and sobbed.

"Woah, woah! It's okay, Y/N!" Goku hugged you tightly.

"My son's father...he's probably dead. I can't imagine Frieza allowed him to stay alive." You cried.

"Hey, look. That's why I want your help!" Goku started. "I need to know what you know about Frieza and these Saiyans coming. You'll know their combat strategies and maybe even their techniques! You can help us fight them. And I can train you and Daio while Gohan goes to train with our friend Piccolo."

You softly smiled at the goofy man in front of you. "Yeah. I'll give you any info you need Goku. And I'm sure Daio will enjoy a change of pace while learning with you."

"Great!! So we'll start tomorrow!"

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