Earth Meet Us!

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It seemed that after the first six months of being dormant in the pod, you had lost all sense of time. Each time you had woken up from slumber, you would fall victim to awful panic attacks that caused you to thrash violently. You felt trapped, claustrophobic, exposed. 

It was clearly evident you were also pregnant. Lying naked in the pod, feeling hopeless, carrying the Prince's child. You clung onto any remaining hope that you would make it to your destination before going into labor. The thought itself terrified you and you were at least thankful you were safe from Frieza.

You didn't bother trying to communicate with anyone through your scouter. As Frieza promised, Planet Vegeta was more than likely destroyed. You couldn't run the risk of him locating you. It would just add to the long list of the troubles on your mind. It was hard not to just give up all at once knowing that Vegeta was probably dead. The pain in your chest was inconceivable. Nonetheless, you tried to keep yourself strong for your baby.

You had no idea how long it had really been. You had been estimating by the size of your stomach. You had figured seven months, in reality it was almost nine. With this kind of thing the two months really did make a difference. You checked the screen in the center of the console of the pod, noticing that you were headed straight for a planet. 

Planet Earth.

It was exhilarating and petrifying all at once. Only a few hours left before you would land and you decided that you'd want to sleep through it. So that's exactly what you did.


"Goku! Quick! Come here!"

"Blah, blah, blah! What do you want Bulma?" Goku waltzed over to Bulma who was gawking at your pod in front of them.

You stirred awake, noticing a sharp pain in your stomach. You immediately cried out, it feeling as though someone had just stabbed you in your sides. You curled yourself into a ball and held onto your stomach tightly.

Bulma pried open the door to the pod, noticing instantaneously you were in pain and clearly pregnant. Her eyes became enlarged once she put two and two together.

"She's in labor! Come on! We got to get her to a safe place! You have some senzus right?"


"Well! What are you standing there for!? Come on!"



Goku plucked you out of the pod and Bulma grabbed onto him tightly as he started flying. You felt your eyes getting heavier and heavier as each second ticked by. Eventually you passed out entirely from pain, not giving a care in the world that they had just seen you naked.

When you had come to, you felt absolutely fantastic and were a bit perplexed as to why. You laid entirely still in the bed. Your brain started to flood with memory of you crashing into the dirt and being in an excruciating pain. You also remembered a boy around the age of 12 or 13. 

Your eyes shifted around the room, looking for any clues. You sprung up in the bed once you noticed the kid hovering over you with a grin on his face.

"Hey! Where are you from!?" He screeched, looking a little too enthusiastic.

"What?" You questioned him, feeling a bit overwhelmed by his creepy stare.

"Well, you have a tail, right? And your baby does too." He pointed over to a child in the arms of the girl and you immediately recalled her from earlier. 

She smiled, rushing over to you with your child. "It's a boy!" She giggled softly, handing him down to you.

You were immediately engulfed with emotion. You looked down at your son, his dark locks pointing upwards in all kinds of directions. His dark eyes looked up at you, examining your face. Well, it was clear he already had his father's thinking face. In fact, everything about the little boy in your arms was the spitting image of his father.


Your mind flashed to your lover, images of him danced around your brain. His scent almost tickling the tip of your nose. His dark eyes always so observant. Lips threatening to throw insults at anyone who looked weird at you. That pretty frame of his, so thick and muscular. You'd kill to feel him against you once more. You began crying softly as you looked back down at your son, never really knowing if he'd ever meet his father.

"What's her problem?" Goku scratched his head in Bulma's direction.

She threw her hands on her hips, foot tapping as she glared at him.

"Goku, shut up! She just gave birth!" 

Their bickering reminded you; why didn't you remember any of it?

"Why do I feel fine!?" You questioned the two, more tears threatening to spill down your face. "What did you do to me?" You weren't sure if you should trust the two strangers, still a little shaken from the events that just took place. It was a lot on your mind.

"We gave you a senzu bean. It allows your energy and physical health to be restored." Bulma explained in a very matter-of-fact tone. "So what's his name?"


"Where are you from, lady?" He interrogated you again, appearing at your side once more.

"I'm from Planet Vegeta." You raised an eyebrow at him and looked at him angrily. "Why?"

The boy turned himself around and stuck his butt out in your direction. You watched his tail wave back and forth freely. You heart started beating rapidly in hopes he escaped the Planet before it was destroyed. Maybe he would know where Vegeta was.

"You're a Saiyan too!" 

"A what?"

"A Saiyan! We're a warrior race. Did you forget?"

Goku shook his head no and furrowed his brows. "No. I've only lived here on Earth."

"Oh..." You mumbled, the feeling of disappointment overcoming you.

"Well, I better be on my way." You stood up. "Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. See ya!"

You blasted the wall open and flew out with Daio in your arms.

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