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Vegeta grabbed you by your wrists, eyes staring down boldly at you.

His hands had an extremely tight grip on your wrists and despite being a female, saiyan warrior, Vegeta had always overpowered you.

Vegeta backed you into the door causing a large boom as his body pressed against yours.

Your heart began to thump, the sound of your heartbeat ringing in your ears. The feeling of arousal overcoming you as Vegeta spoke.

"Now." He growled, grabbing your chin and forcefully making you look at him. Your pupils were large and dilated as he stared down at you. "You will listen to your Prince entirely!"

Your knees buckled beneath you. You had to pull yourself together. You knew this was a dominance act. You weren't going to let it fly.

You took a deep breath and sighed.

You grabbed Vegeta's arms, his eyes going wide as you flipped spots with him.

"Now, now, Vegeta. That is no way to talk to a lady, is it?"

You kissed his neck, nibbling and sucking as you heard him curse under his breath. He had his hands on your waist as you traced the fresh hickey on his neck.

"We'll see what that little whore they've arranged you with thinks of what I've done." You giggled, his eyebrows furrowing and cheeks flushing.

"Y/N." He grumbled, picking you up in one swoop over his shoulder. He was carrying you over to the shower.

Once reaching said shower, he turned the water on. His hands were quick to strip you of your gear, hands stumbling as he was eager to get you naked.

His nose scrunched as he looked at you angrily. "I'm going to hate fuck you."

"Oh really?"

"Really!" His face said it all as he grabbed your hand and threw you into the shower, soon following you.

He immediately attacked your lips, sending you into a daze as the hot water doused your skin.

You had dreamt of this moment for so long, and here you are. In the shower with your best friend.

Vegeta ran his hands up and down you, feeling every inch of your gorgeous body. He wanted you so badly. So bad to the point where he was willing to throw everything away for you.

"Mm. So good." You mumbled in between sloppy kisses. It was obvious Vegeta was winning in the dominance department, but that didn't stop you from trying.

Your hands trailed to his now wet hair. You grabbed it in-between your fingers and tugged gently as his locks, causing him to growl. He looked at you with angry, lustful eyes and slapped you hard on the ass.

"Fuck you." Vegeta spat, grabbing your hair and pulling you back into a kiss. His mouth trailed down to your neck and he sucked on the soft skin, making your eyes go blank.

"V-Vegeta." You stuttered out his name as he pulled away, teeth gritted.

You grabbed his face, pulling him into a more soft kiss. He let you have this one.

Your hand was resting on his chest as you two kissed, slowly trailing down to his abs.

Vegeta hissed as you rested your hand on his pelvic region, you could feel him starting to give in.

You slowly, and for Vegeta painfully, moved your hand down to his cock. He let out a throaty groan as you slowly rubbed his member.

"For fucks sake, woman." He breathed out as he rested his forehead on yours. You watched his whole body twitch and his face twist as you jerked him off.

Vegeta's bottom lip had somehow found its way into his mouth as he bit down hard. "Fuck." He groaned once more, his body shaking.

"I-I'm done playing, Y-Y/N..." Vegeta started speaking but his voice caught in his throat as you started speeding your movements up. "U-Uh."

Vegeta's hips jerked upwards as his eyes rolled back into his head. You immediately took your hand away before he could release.

His eyes went dark as he looked at you, mouth and nose twitching. "My turn, woman." His voice went deep as he grabbed your ass and lifted you up.

He slammed you into the shower wall, wrapping your legs around his waist. His eyes scanned you up and down before his head dove into your breasts.

He began to suck and nibble on one of your nipples, waves of pleasure and enjoyment rippling through you.

You started to let out soft moans, Vegeta smirking.

"If you like that..." He chuckled. "Just you wait. I'm not finished with you."

Without any warning, he slammed his cock inside of you. His eyebrows knitting as he looked up at your face. He watched it twist with pleasure and this only encouraged him. With each thrust, Vegeta went faster and faster.

You kept moaning out his name as he thrusted into you. His cock filled you up so nicely and you couldn't help but want to feel him cum inside you.

It was now that you realized that Vegeta's tail was wrapped around yours, meaning that you were now bonded fully to one another.

"You feel so fucking good, Y/N." Vegeta panted as he dug his fingers into your curves. "So tight for your Prince."

Those words really sent you over the edge.

"Fuck Vegeta." You felt yourself nearing your orgasm. "I-I'm gonna..."

Vegeta's eyes went wide once he felt your walls tighten around him. His lips quivered as you shook in pleasure. You made him feel so good unlike anyone or anything else.

"Y-Y/N..." His voice was raspy as his thrusting sped up even more. "I love you."

You started to cry as you released around his cock, screaming out his name. This alone sent him over the edge. You felt his warm load fill you up as he gently set you down.

You both leaned on each other, exhausted. The hot water still running and hitting you both.

You gave him a kiss on his chest and you cried on him. "I love you too, Vegeta."

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