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It was a beautiful Monday morning. It was so bright and lovely on Planet Vegeta today. Well, for the king and queen at least.

You couldn't bring yourself to get out of bed, and it was nearing noon.

Since Vegeta's birthday, you hadn't spoke to the stubborn Prince. You hadn't even seen him. You had completely stopped training altogether. As for him, you couldn't say.

You felt a little dead and empty inside, wondering if you had completely ruined everything you had with Vegeta. You didn't think you'd be able to make it through tonight.

But, your presence was expected. You wouldn't be able to avoid tonight. You wouldn't be able to avoid watching Vegeta meet his fiancé.

Your head snapped over to the door when you heard someone knocking.

You wished it were your Prince, but there was no way he'd be the first one to break. It would be way too out of character for even him.

In walked the maid, carrying a small package.

"Hello Miss Y/N!" She smiled happily as she greeted you.


She walked over to you and handed you the package and you immediately recognized your name written in Vegeta's handwriting on a tag.

"The Prince sent you this." She giggled and winked as she left you to open whatever it was that Vegeta sent to you.

You ripped it open as soon as the door shut, eager to see what it was.

Your heart raced and you felt ecstatic that he had sent you something. You felt like a million bucks.

You giggled quietly when you saw what it was; your matching training gear. Along with a note.

Hello Y/N.

Meet me in the training room at 12:30?


You were giddy and beyond happy. You were quick to hurry up and throw the gear on and stumbled about your room to go see Vegeta.

You practically ran out of your room and through the halls towards the training room.

With each step, your breathing grew quicker and quicker. Your heart started beating faster and faster.

You quickly opened the doors and entered the room, immediately spotting Vegeta. He already started training by himself. You watched him closely, mentally noting all of the moves he made.

You look up at his sweaty form. He was so pretty up there. Kicking and punching. Throwing blasts. The new gear fit him so nicely. It hugged in all the right spots, his toned body showing through.

He finally noticed you standing and watching him.

He took a deep breath as he started to descend. He crossed his arms and landed directly in front of you.

You opened your mouth to speak, but no words emerged. You were too afraid to say anything to the hot headed man.

"Today is it." He grumbled, his head hanging low. "I'm no longer mad at you, Y/N."

You let out a breath of relief.

"Although, I do not appreciate what you pulled a few days ago."

You frowned as you began to speak. "V-Vegeta I'm so sorry."

He looked at you with expressionless eyes, his lips pursing together. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Do tell me why."

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