All Gone Wrong

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Once you both got inside, Vegeta set you down on your feet.

You both roamed about the halls, enjoying the company of one another.

The silence between the two of you was peaceful and Vegeta made you feel safe.

Even though you knew you could protect yourself, you knew no one would bother you while you walked next to the Prince.

Vegeta seemed content for the first time in a while.

You had probably walked through the whole place twice already before Vegeta spoke up.

"Y/N?" He stared down at his shoes as he walked.


"Let's go to your room."


Your room was not far from where the two of you stood and walking there would take 5 minutes at the most.

"Race ya!" You chuckled as you started flying down the hallway.

"As if you could win, woman!" He laughed as he zoomed past you in the matter of seconds. Vegeta turned down the next hallway, disappearing out of your view.

When you finally reached your room, Vegeta stood there with his nose high in the air and arms crossed.

"The Prince wins again" You smiled.

"Hmph. You didn't even have a chance." He arrogantly claimed.

"Maybe I was just going easy on you." You stuck your tongue out at him as you entered your room.

"I seriously doubt that!" He mumbled.

You just laughed about as you made your way to your bed.

"God, these clothes are so uncomfy!" You groaned as you kicked off your shoes. "And I want to shower!" You whined.

Vegeta rolled his eyes as he took a seat next to you.

"Then why don't you shower?" Vegeta stated the obvious as he began taking off his own shoes.

"Well! Because you're here and it's rude to leave your company alone! Especially when they have a birthday today."

Vegeta shrugged and began to speak again. "If you're so worried about leaving me out here." He paused briefly. "Then why don't I just join you?"

You immediately felt your stomach drop and looked at Vegeta with wide eyes.

"Well-I-I-hm...I supposed you c-could." You just couldn't stop yourself from stuttering.

The thought of you and Vegeta sharing a shower made your heart race.

His strong arms around you as the hot water drenched your guys' skin.

Washing his muscular body, which you had seen numerous times, but it still amazed you.

His crazy, saiyan hair soaking wet and laying flat.

And what about his gorgeous, structured face staring down at you as beads of water formed around it.

Your mind bounced from thought to thought as your cheeks turned a deep crimson color.

"I-I'm only teasing, woman." He said, but it was not very convincing.

You wished someone would give you a confidence boost.

You always liked Vegeta, but this is the most flustered you'd ever been around your best friend.

You then felt a deep sensation run through your body as you realized something that would change your relationship with Vegeta forever.

In the midst of your daydreaming about the Prince, your tail had found its way to his.

"Are you crazy woman!? I-I-uh-" His voice caught in his throat as his face went completely red.

You watched him squirm and bite his lips. You looked down to see him aroused and holding his thighs together.

As much as you hated it, you whipped your tail back to yourself, grabbing it in your hands and softly rubbing it.

It was so sensitive. And you had never felt such waves of lust and pleasure run through you.

You wanted him.

Vegeta's eyes went dark as he stared you up and down.

"What was that about?" He was furious with you.

"How could you do that to me!? You know I'm going to be married soon, you stupid woman! You know how male Saiyans react to such actions!" Vegeta started screaming at you.

"Vegeta. I'm sorry. I-"

"You know better! I cannot fathom this stupidity I-"

You cut him off with a kiss.

Vegeta groaned, immediately kissing you back before pushing you away.


He charged toward the door, tail wrapping around his waist.

"DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR ME!" He pointed at you and slammed the door closed as you bursted into tears.

All because of his stupid comment.

Vegeta hated you for doing this to him.

He hated you for making him feel this way.

He was so frustrated with everything.

The whole arranged marriage, finding out who it was next week, being in love with his best friend.

How was he supposed to just leave Y/N behind now?

How was he supposed to go marry another woman when Y/N just bonded with him?

Vegeta began to throw things, nearly every piece of furniture in his room was broken now.

He couldn't think clearly, and he knew he wouldn't be able to at the moment.

So he tried to calm himself down the only way he knew how to.

With a shower.

Vegeta crawled over his broken stuff and made his way into the bathroom, the only part of his room that wasn't a disaster.

He turned on the shower and stripped himself of his clothes.

He climbed into the shower and then dropped down to floor where he curled in a ball.

The hot water allowed him to blow off some steam and relax.

And soon, he began to think clearly.

That's when he broke down everything into two options.

He could either take the easy way and keep the arranged marriage. Not having to face his father and mother and the troubles that would come.

Or he would have to fight it and chase after Y/N. Having his father and mother furious with him to no end.

Time was running out quick.

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