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Vegeta woke up, feeling the anticipation in his chest.

He was excited to spend his day with you.

And what better way to start off other than training?

Today was just the two of you, which already worked in his favor.

He stood up and yawned, making his way over to his wardrobe. He opened it and pulled out some training clothes.

He stripped down and put on his clean clothes, grabbing his boots while he was at it.

Vegeta heard three knocks on his door.


You entered, some flowers in hand and a cart filled with Vegeta's favorite breakfast items.

Vegeta smirked, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Flowers? Hmph."

"Of course!" You laughed. "And how is my lovely Prince this morning?"

He sat down on his bed, closing his eyes, still a smirk on his face.

"Oh, just grand."

"I'm glad. Eat up! Training in 30 minutes!" You chuckled, the Prince already shoveling food into his mouth.

You walked over to him, placing a small kiss on his forehead. "I hope you have a good day today." You smiled at him.

"I'll meet you in the training room once you're done!" You walked out of the room and grinned to yourself.

You saw how pleased Vegeta was this morning and it made you beyond happy.

You knew this would be the last time you two would ever do anything like this.

This would be the last time you'd be able to visit him every morning, the last time you'd be able to give him little hugs and kisses.

The last time you'd be able to spoil him and take him out. The last time you would be Vegeta and Y/N, the inseparable duo.

Today was filled with nostalgia. With great memories. Before Vegeta committed his life to a wife and family.

You didn't know if Vegeta was aware of any of this, or if he was ignoring it.

You tried to shrug it off, but you knew all of these things in the back of your mind.

*Time Skip*

Vegeta was having a good day thus far.

After your guys' training session, you two had lunch together and it was very, very nice.

It was nearing dinner now, and you had everything planned for a picnic with the saiyan Prince.

You told him to be ready at 6 P.M. and to wear something nice. Whether or not he would actually wear something nice was in question.

You had put on something cute for him, thinking this was really your last shot at getting his attention before he was ripped away from you.

You walked down the hall, hands behind your back. You were excited.

When you reached Vegeta's door, you opened it and waltzed in, his eyes immediately darting to you.

He was actually dressed quite nicely. He wore a blue button-up and black pants. He looked cute.

"Well look at you, you handsome devil." You giggled at him, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Ugh! Woman!" He stood still as you embraced him.

ARRANGED // Vegeta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now