Planet Vegeta Meet Frieza

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A/N: This chapter may be a little confusing because it doesn't follow what is canon at all. Sorry if you get a little confused along the way.

Vegeta sat in his room alone thinking of everything that had happened in the past few days. It had been 3 days since the two of you had bonded, and he was getting annoyed with you being the only thing on his mind. He was aware that the only way to keep you out of his thoughts was to see you and speak to you. 

Training had been rough too. He had been so off and the fact that you were avoiding him by training in a different room was really starting to agitate the Prince. He hated that you were trying to distance yourself.

You were just trying to give him space. You knew how he was. You didn't want to overwhelm him.

Vegeta couldn't take himself anymore. He stood up and marched to your room where he barged in without knocking.

"Woman!" He screamed. "I demand you presence immediately!"

You walked out of the bathroom to see Vegeta with his arms crossed, standing with fiery eyes. His jaw clenched.

"Yes, your majesty?" You sarcastically answered, putting your hand on your hip and raising a brow.

Vegeta ran his tongue across his teeth before speaking. "Tch. Why have you been avoiding me, woman?"

Your eyes widened as you realize you'd been caught. "I-I- uhm..." You cleared your throat before trying to speak again. "I just wanted to give you some space. Didn't want to bug you."

You shrugged your shoulders.

"You are not a nuisance to me! For heaven's sake!" Vegeta angrily said, putting his arms to his side. His face going red at his own words.

He didn't mean to admit that.

You looked down at Vegeta's clenched fists, noticing the ring you got him on his finger. You softly smiled.

You knew that by Vegeta's words, he meant he cared about you and wanted you around.

You walked up to him, wrapping your arms around him. You gave him a kiss on his cheek.

You felt heat rise to your cheeks as his arms went around you. You felt his tail intertwine with yours.

"Oh, Vegeta." You sighed softly as you fell into him even more, his grip tightening around you.

You could hear his heartbeat as he held you, the smell of him flooding your nostrils.

"You've made me all soft. I don't like it." Vegeta grumbled loudly. "But you are so addictive." He whispered in your ear, nibbling softly at the flesh.

His hand traced your hip as he gently said it. "I hate and love the way you make me feel."

Vegeta's strong arms hoisted you up so you were clinging onto him. You wrapped your legs around his torso and you felt your back slam against the wall.

You began to have flashbacks to the other day when you felt his lips slam onto yours.

You tossed kisses back and forth, Vegeta squeezing your butt tightly, making you squeak in surprise.

"Look at you." He smirked. "The strongest female warrior becoming putty in the Prince's hands." He chuckled as his mouth grazed your neck.

"Vegeta. I-I-"

His head poked up from your neck as he glanced into your eyes curiously.

As much of an ass he was, he still cared about you. He wanted to make sure you were safe and taken care of.

"What is it woman?"

You looked down.

"Vegeta, I love you."

His eyes went wide and cheeks went red. This was the first time either of you said it since...well, you know.

You kissed his nose and grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks.

You giggled softly as the Prince set you down.

"I think we should talk." You suggested and grabbed his hand. You pulled him to your bed where you sat down together.

"Vegeta I know this know the whole you and I isn't easy for you." You started. "And no matter what decision you make, I don't want our relationship to change. You mean too much to me."

Vegeta grunted in response and pulled his hand away from yours. You fiddled with your ring in your lap as you looked up at him.

His profile was lovely. He was really so stunning and gorgeous. You could tell by the look on his face he was thinking.

Vegeta was silent. He could feel your eyes on him, but didn't give you the satisfaction of acknowledging it.

You took your tail and wrapped it around Vegeta's. You felt sparks fly through you and your heart pumped. He jumped at first, but then his body slowly fell into a calm state.

"Stupid woman."

"Stupid man."

Vegeta looked at you with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Oh. Yeah?"

"Yeah." You stuck your tongue out at him.

His eyes flickered between your eyes and your stuck out tongue before he let out a big sigh.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do, Y/N." Your name rolled off his tongue as he covered his face with his hands.

You scooted closer to him, wrapping your arms around him. You placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"It will be okay."

"Miss Y/N! Miss Y/N! Your presence has been requested in the throne room! Oh! And my Prince, yours too!"

You and Vegeta made panicked eye contact and rushed down the halls towards the throne room.

Once you reached your destination, you knew things weren't good by the look on the King's face.

"Prince Vegeta, Y/N...I'm afraid planet Vegeta is under attack. We need you both to get out there as soon as possible."

Vegeta clenched his fists and turned to his father. "It's Frieza. Isn't it?"


"That foul bastard!" He screamed, grabbing your arm and running out into the halls.

He picked you up and flew to the space pods. "I'm sending you away. You know, last time Frieza was here was a year ago. He said he would destroy the planet."

You began to fight against him. "I am not a coward! I can take care of myself, Vegeta! Come the fuck on! I'll kill Frieza myself!" You used all your strength to try and pry yourself free from him, but he had already forcefully shoved you into a pod and closed the door.

Vegeta pointed to a scouter laying next to you and then pointed up to his own.

You picked it up, tears streaming down your face.

The pod started to fly off as you heard Vegeta over your scouter. "I can't let you die. We had no time to fight over it."

"Vegeta. Why??"

You heard the sound of static come over your scouter, knowing that Vegeta's somehow had been destroyed.

You started to sob, wondering just exactly where Vegeta was sending you.

ARRANGED // Vegeta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now