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Vegeta awaited you in the training room. You had been slightly later than usual and he was beginning to worry.

He began pacing back and forth, mind wondering where you could be.

Well, until he heard the door swish open.

His eyes went wide once he saw you in your attire.

You had on shorts and a sports bra, ready to sweat and begin your day of group training.

Vegeta ran over to you, arms flailing.

"For heaven's sake, woman! What the hell do you think you're wearing!?"

He grabbed your wrist.

"These men have no self control and they'll be trying to grab you and touch you!"

Vegeta pulled you away from everyone and began to take off his own gray shirt.

He threw it at you.

"Please! Cover yourself!" He insisted, huddling over you to make sure no one saw you.

You put his shirt on and scowled at him.

"Vegeta, how am I ever supposed to settle down with anyone if you won't let me?" You spat at him.

His eyes went even wider and his eyebrows furrowed.

He crossed his arms and got in your face.

"None of these low level, pathetic pieces of trash deserve you. If they did, I would have allowed it by now."

"Who are you to say who I get to date Vegeta!? Please, enlighten me almighty Prince!" You screamed at him, now getting everyone else's attention.

"You don't own me, Vegeta! I'm not your fucking pet!"

You stormed out of the training room.

You hated him for doing this to you.

All your life you haven't even had a chance to get over him because of him being "protective". You could make your own decisions now. You weren't a child.

You went to your room where you laid on your bed and sobbed.

You were so tired of liking him. Sitting back and waiting for him to make a move, and it never happening.

Now, he will be in an arranged marriage, and he's still acting like he owns you and like he's your significant other.

Your attention was brought to reality when your door opened and in walked a shirtless Vegeta.

His head went down as soon as he saw you in the state you were in.

"Y/N..." He softly sighed your name.

His lips pressed together as he approached you, regret plastered on his face.

Everything he did always sent shivers down your spine.

"I am sorry." He placed his strong hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing as he continued to speak. "I have been so stressed as of late. I am..."


A chuckle escaped his lips as he nodded.

You knew him all too well.

Vegeta could only admit something like this to you. And he could barely do that. He had apologized twice in the past two days, something completely out of character for him.

You hummed before turning to see his face directly in front of yours.

His eyes searched yours for answers. Answers to his problems.

ARRANGED // Vegeta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now