Friends & Allies

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It was later in the afternoon and Vegeta had not joined you for lunch after his little temper tantrum.

You had made him a plate down in the kitchen before walking through the large halls to his room.

You had knocked three times and entered the room where there was no sign of Vegeta.

Well, until you heard the shower running.

You assumed he had gone into the shower to relax after the emotionally and physically exhausting training session the two of you shared.

You knew Vegeta loved showers very much actually. He liked how they gave him time to think.

You smiled as you walked into the bathroom.

"Vegeta?" You softly hummed his name.

He didn't answer the first time, so you tried again.


Still no answer.

You knew exactly what had happened.

He had fallen asleep in the shower.

Vegeta must have really not been feeling well. He only falls asleep in the shower when he's extremely sad and upset.

You grabbed a towel, nice and fluffy. You gently opened the curtain to see him sitting criss cross on the shower floor, his hair laying over his shut eyes.

You turned the water off and wrapped the towel around him, trying to be mindful of his tail.

You effortlessly picked him up and carried him to his bed, covering him up in the process.

You wouldn't want anyone walking in on a naked Vegeta lying on the bed.

You walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out some sweatpants and a t-shirt for later and laid them out on the end of the bed.

You had previously set his plate down on the table next to his bed, and you allowed it to remain there.

He could always eat later and he was overdue for a nice nap.

You left a small kiss on his forehead before smiling to yourself and exiting his room.

*Hours Later*

Vegeta woke up and immediately realized he had fallen asleep in the shower.

Embarrassment fell over his face as he realized it was either you or the maids who carried him out and brought him lunch.

It was revealed to him that it was you when he saw the clothes laying on the end of the bed.

The maids always laid out armor for him.

You, knowing he didn't feel well, gave him comfy clothes.

He would never admit it, but there was something about you that made him giddy.

The thought of you carrying him from the shower to the bed, all by yourself, made his heart feel funny.

Vegeta was scared, but his pride would not allow him to give away his vulnerable position to anyone but you.

He trusted you to keep quiet and not to bug him about things that he didn't want to be bugged about.

Vegeta got up and dressed himself. He sat and ate a cold lunch. His stomach still felt a little unsatisfied after he basically inhaled the plate of food.

Which reminded him to check the time.

8 o'clock at night!

He had missed dinner!

ARRANGED // Vegeta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now