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"Please." Vegeta got down on his knees in front of his father. "One more week is all it will take, father."

"Very well. We will reschedule."

Vegeta nodded and stood, exiting the throne room and walking into the hall.

He had just got the King's blessing to postpone tonight. This was all messing with his head far too much.

As Vegeta walked back to his room, he fought with himself internally about you. About the events that took place not even a few hours ago.

The Prince let out a breath of relief as he entered his room.

His room was just a reminder of what had happened and a flush rose to his cheeks as he remembered the sounds that escaped your lips.

He quickly suppressed his feelings as he let his body fall onto his bed. He allowed himself to sleep.


You made your way to the dining hall for dinner. You heard the news about the Prince not feeling well and calling off tonight.

You were surprised King Vegeta had allowed this to happen considering the date had been set for months now.

Speaking of Vegeta, you hadn't seen him since your encounter earlier and you were slightly worried about him.

You decided against trying to find him though. You wanted to give him some space and breathing room.

When Vegeta finally woke from his little nap, he stretched and looked at the time. He saw it was dinner time and stood up to make his way to the dining hall.

He made sure he looked presentable before leaving, assuming you would already be there.

His heart thumped at the thought of you. His brain was clouded with the way you smelled and the way your lips moved on his. He couldn't wait to see you, eat dinner with you, just to be with you would satisfy his craving.

He quickly cleared these thoughts.

"No, Vegeta. She's your friend. Nothing more. You just gave her a good fucking." He whispered, lying to himself.

The Prince was in denial about everything.

As Vegeta entered the dining hall, he spotted you in the corner.

Typically, he would eat with his family as would you. After everything was canceled though, it was clear that dinner would not be eaten together tonight. It was unsure if the King and Queen would even be dining together.

Vegeta walked his way over to you and took the seat across from you. Your lips tugged into a smirk as you spoke to the Prince.

"Cancelled? Hm?" You raised your eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

Vegeta grumbled and raised an eyebrow toward you. "And do you actually think that you had an impact on what my decision was?"

His words hit you like a ton of bricks before you fired back.

"No. Just was wondering why The Prince would back out of such an extravagant, joyous event. After all, you did let your kingdom down."

"Why you brat!" His voice grew low as his nostrils flared.

His teeth bared as you folded your hands in front of you and leaned forward.

"Maybe someone's just a little frustrated
Hm?" You giggled.

Vegeta's heart began to pump viciously in his chest as your face grew closer to his. You two were bonded now, meaning that there is no way that he can't be attracted to you.

Especially with you now, dressed in your elite armor. It made Vegeta's head spin. His eyes grew wide at your words and face completely red as he leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms with a "hmph."

Your eyes trailed his form before you stood up, waving a hand and screaming. "Can we get a maid, please? The Prince is waiting!"

Vegeta's eyes bounced around your features before landing on your mouth. His mouth salivated at the thought of how good you tasted. He let out a low growl before speaking up again.

"Finally the woman learns her place and takes care of her Prince." He smirked at his own statement as he felt a hand hit his cheek.


"Don't you dare talk to me that way. I won't put up with it, do you hear me Vegeta? You may have bonded with me but that doesn't mean I'm a toy."

The tension in the air was still thick. Vegeta was being a total asshole and he knew it too.

He was in denial.

He held his cheek and looked at you in complete shock. He was silent as a maid rushed to your guys' table carrying plates upon plates of food.

Dinner was silent.

ARRANGED // Vegeta X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now