Chapter 1: The Defeated

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Naruto shakes in fear. He was used to beatings. They happened every day. But never this bad. This time, they had pulled a kunai on him.

Naruto leaked tears from his eyes as he shook, silently begging for the villagers to miss the blanket with a lump under it in the alleyway.

"Where is the demon!!!" Yelled a older male, "I don't know!" Another responded. "Hey! Look in that alleyway," Naruto shook his head 'who was he kidding' they had ninja with them. "There he is!!!". They had spotted him.

Naruto cries and begs as he is pulled out from under his hiding spot. "you really think you could hide from us!?!? Well think again demon!" Why they called him demon, Naruto had no idea though he suspects it had to do with his birthday because thats when they beat him the most.

Naruto shivers in anticipation, trying to mentally prep-


The sound of a kunai embedding itself in flesh echoes trough the alley. They had stabbed him. "Do you even know what today is you fucking demon?!" "My birthday?" Naruto guesses weakly. "Wrong!" They stab. And stab. And stab until he is a bloody unrecognizable mess. The blonde child had passed out at this point, nearing death when his eyes opened, except they weren't his eyes, his eyes had become purple with spiral designs. Naruto had awakened the Rinnegan.

A villager who knew of the Rinnegan saw it and backed away. "H..hey guys?" "What?" A few said. "I think that's the Rinne-" he was cut off as he was stabbed in the gut by a black pole. Falling to the ground. Dead. Some villagers shrieked and ran, though they didn't get far. In a flash all the villagers were dispatched, and Naruto stood over their bodies before he collapsed due to chakra exhaustion.

When Naruto awoke he realized he was in a hospital. What- he thought before he remembered what had happened the night before. 'Oh god,'Naruto thought to himself, 'I...I killed them all...what have I done?' He asks to himself. 'And what was that strange power?'. Two shinobi, a doctor, and the Hokage walk in to Naruto's room in the hospital. Naruto pretends to be asleep. "Hokage-sama," one of the shinobi starts "can we really let him roam free after this, I mean he killed 13 people!" The old man closes his eyes. "What the boy did was in protection of himself, he was being tortured" Hiruzen spoke quietly to the surrounding shinobi as to not wake the 'sleeping' child. " and speak quietly, I do not want him to know we said anything about this, let him believe no one found out." The Hokage says a little louder than before. "As you wish Hokage-sama" the two said before shunshining away. The Hokage and the doctor left the room.

Now, Naruto may be in the clear, but he doesn't know that, for all Naruto heard was that he wouldn't be allowed to roam free and that was a secret. 'I...I need to get out of here before I'm sent to jail for the rest of my life!' Naruto thinks frantically.

Little did the boy know, someone other than the Hokage had been watching that night, someone known as The darkness of leaf, and he was very interested. So you can imagine his outrage when he was informed of Naruto's absence. "I can't believe it!" Danzo sputtered "the Leaf let the Kyubbi jinchuriki and the possessor of the Rinnegan leave their village in one fell swoop! He was beyond mad.

"Well if the brat won't stay in the leaf we will not let him stay anywhere else! Anbu, kill the boy and bring me his eyes!"


Naruto was training in the forest when he collapsed, 'oh crap, I haven't eaten in 3 days!' Naruto thought. He wandered for a bit before finding a man who was walking on a trail in the woods who gave him some fruits and wished him good travels.

Naruto sat under a tree and thought about the events that had happened 3 days ago. 'What was that power' he thought 'I just remember the world turning purple and my senses increasing and then passing out' Naruto scratched his head.

I can tell you what happened. A deep voice said. Naruto shot up. "Who's there!" Calm down Naruto, I am Kurama. I am inside you. I can tell you everything. Said the one named Kurama before pulling Naruto into his own mindscape.

Hey guys!! Did you like the new story, tell me what you thought of it in the comments, a little short but it was just a introductory chapter, expect longer ones soon!

See ya later Uchihas!

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