Chapter 3: The Return

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6 years. It had been 6 years since Naruto left the village. And he is finally coming back.

"Kurama, remind of my powers again please?" Naruto asked. God are you forgetful, I told you just a few seconds ago. "Well, I forgot okay..." well there are all the paths, you can utilize them to their full potential with shadow clones, you also have Six Paths Sage Mode now, it was harder to get than I thought, didn't realize that since you were his reincarnation you could just give it to yourself whenever with your senjutsu... that was annoying. You also got my full chakra mode now, and you are learning the creation of all things technique, though its an insanely hard justu to master so I don't expect you to get it anytime soon. "okay that's fine, I got it." Naruto says. You still have a while to go before reaching the leaf village, why don't you use KCM2 and get there much faster? "Naw, I better stick with the sand village kids, they would get mad if I suddenly ran off," Naruto responded.

"Hey kid, why are you talking to yourself?" A girl asked. "I'm not, Temari," Naruto said, annoyed "I am speaking with Kurama right now." "Oh yeah... I forgot" she said as she shrunk away, obviously scared of tailed beasts. "Mother doesn't like you..." said a boy with red hair. "Whatever Gaara. Like you could do anything about it" Naruto laughed. Yeah, suck it Shukaku, my jinchuriki is stronger and you know it! "are you speaking with Shukaku?" Naruto questioned, yeah I am, we tailed beasts have a sort of telepathic connection as you humans would call it. "okay, cool, did you tell him that I am the reincarnation of his dad yet?" No, I want to save that for when he makes a fool of himself trying to attack you! "okay whatever you say, boss"

2 Days Later...

Naruto has a hard time keeping down his rage as he walks into the village and leaks out some insane killing intent making some villagers fall over in fear. 'Just gotta go find Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro.' he says to himself closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he realizes that his rinnegan is activated and deactivates it instantly. He walks over to his comrades when he sees them bullying a child. "What are you doing?" says Naruto. "This brat bumped into me so I thought he should get punished," Kankuro replied. "That's kind of pathetic don't you agree? I mean your whaling on someone half your size..." Says Naruto. "Amenotejikara!" he says and suddenly he has swapped places with the kid. "what the heck?!" Kankuro says angrily. "My My Kankuro, why did you suddenly grab me like this, surely you aren't trying to attack me?" Naruto says with mock surprise, proceeding to send a chakra controlled slap into Kankuro that is so hard he slams into the fence next to them, knocking him out. "hey kid, you okay? this guy is kind of an asshole." Naruto asks, even though he just wanted to slap Kankuro, he had been talking about how his new puppet was unstoppable for the whole trip to the leaf. "uh, yeah" the kid said and ran away. "well you didn't have to thank me so much..." Naruto says absentmindedly, not caring about what the kid was saying.

"The hell was that about?" says Temari, "why is my brother in a fence?" "Oh I dunno, he was annoying" Naruto responds, not wanting to be around the sand genin. He suddenly jumps up on to a nearby building and runs off.


"Are you sure it was Naruto?" says Danzo. "Yes, sir. His chakra signal matched exactly to the one Naruto gave off. There is no doubt." replied the Foundation member "Interesting..." Danzo says, thinking of why the boy came back "he must be trying to plot something, follow his every move. That is an order."

Back to Naruto

He sat atop the 4th Hokage's great stone face. He spits on the face, the saliva dripping down on to the left eye. "You suck dad."


7-year-old Naruto walked up to the seal in his mindscape. "So I just pull it off?" asked Naruto. Yes Naruto, you will become much stronger. He was halfway done with pulling it off when a figure appeared. "The 4th Hokage?" Naruto said in disbelief. 'what is going on?' he said to himself. "Naruto, do not release the Kyuubi!" said Minato, "He will take over your body!" Minato put his hand on Naruto's, stopping him from taking it off. "No, he won't," Naruto said and ripped the seal off. There was a great release of smoke, and when it cleared, Naruto was sitting atop the Nine-Tails, the Kyuubi baring it's teeth at Minato. "What the?" Minato was shocked. " made friends with the Nine-Tails?" said Minato, confused. "No, I didn't, His father did. I am not sure why you are here the fourth Hokage, but I will tell you this: I am the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths," said Naruto, mostly putting on a front, he had heard many things about the fourth and wasn't sure he could beat him. "Naruto, that's... wow." Minato was speechless. "What is it?" Naruto's voice wavered, he was losing his confidence. "What do you want!" He said with a slight hint of fear, this was the person that had led the village that beat him down, he was getting flashbacks to his beatings. Naruto, calm down, you are losing yourself to your fear of the leaf. "okay, I'm sorry Kurama" Naruto said, calming down a bit. "Naruto," Minato started "I am your father." Naruto was shocked. "You...You're what??!!" he yelled. "Naruto, I am your dad, I am surprised that you are the Sage of Six Paths, and that you befriended the fox, but what is this about 'your fear of the leaf'? Why are you afraid of your village?" Minato asked. Naruto has fallen to his knees shaking "you're my what..." he kept repeating Allow me to explain. Minato, after you sealed me inside your son, the village blamed Naruto for destroying the village and beat him regularly, on his sixth birthday, they had prepared a special beating for him and while it was happening he awakened his rinnegan, he then killed the villagers, left the leaf, and has been training to become stronger ever since. "I'm...I'm so sorry Naruto..." Minato was looking down "I never thought the villagers could be so cruel..." Naruto stood up. "I... Hate you dad! it's your fault I was beaten by the villagers!" Naruto yelled with tears in his eyes. "Please Naruto, I am so sorry... Please forgive me, I didn't know..." Minato said. Naruto, I am only speaking to you right now so he cannot hear me, Minato sealed my yin half inside if him if you pretend to forgive him, he might be persuaded into giving you my yin half which will make you much stronger. 'okay' thinks Naruto.

"Dad... I forgive you. It's not your fault." Naruto says, jumping off Kurama to go hug his dad. "Really son? Thank you, it's more than I deserve. I can go back to your mother in peace now." Minato said, hugging his son back. "wait, dad, can I have the full Kurama? it will be fine since I'm the reincarnation of his dad" asked Naruto. "Okay Naruto, I trust you to use it wisely, he puts a hand on Naruto's shoulder and transfers the yin half. "Goodbye Naruto," Minato says as he fades away. Naruto smirks and turns to Kurama, "I think I need a small explanation" he says to the fox, wanting to know about the whole sealing thing and why his father was there.

Flashback end.

Okay done! did you like it? after the release of the last chapter this book got quite a bit more popular than it was before, so thank you to all the new readers! I thought it would make sense for Minato to appear because he had to have removed the seal on Kurama for KCM and I thought it made for an interesting story part.

Thanks for reading,

See Ya Later Uchihas!

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