Chapter 10: The Last

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All of the Shinobi's Allied forces looked at Tobi and Zetsu. The Other Akatsuki Members had been defeated by the three divisions that came to help Gaara and the fourth division. Obito had unmasked himself, thinking that everything would go to plan. But it hadn't. They didn't get the Eight and Nine-Tails, and Madara had not been revived with the Edo Tensei. 'Curse that Orochimaru' Obito thought bitterly.

Naruto had finally arrived on the battlefield. He then rushed Obito and Zetsu with a Drilling Hand of Sage Lightning. He passed through Obito, though Zetsu was injured. "Looks like the Allied Shinobi forces win, huh," said Naruto with a smirk. Naruto puts his hands together, ram, snake, bird, "Tengai Shinsei!!!" Naruto yells. Suddenly there is a large shadow over the three. The Shinobi Forces watch in awe(from a safe distance) as a humongous rock shows in the sky. Obito tries to use Kamui to get away, but Naruto grabs onto him and comes into his pocket dimension.

Obito has barely a second to think before Naruto kicks him in the gut sending him flying. The Uchiha is being overwhelmed. Obito tries to escape the dimension via Kamui, but Naruto leaves with him. "You can't win!" Naruto says and jumps at him. Obito flips back and grabs a Kunai, but Naruto speeds towards him and tries to punch him in the same spot that he had got Obito in earlier, though to Naruto's surprise, the masked man smirks and Naruto phases right through him. "Wha-what?" Naruto says, before calming down and noticed a sudden increase of chakra within Obito's eye when Naruto went through him. 'Aha,' he thought to himself, 'It must be a part of that Kamui.'

Obito, with new confidence, tries to stab Naruto. Naruto easily dodges and creates five shadow clones. Obito's eye widens underneath his mask. "You already figured out my jutsu?!" Obito exclaims. "Yeah, and I'll defeat anything else you try to kill me with!" Says Naruto, getting into a fighting position.

With Sayuri

Sayuri couldn't believe it, all these years, and it had been Danzo that she should have been hating.


Itachi summoned her into his genjutsu. "Hello, Sayuri," Itachi said with a sad smile "I am now going to give you my memories, I didn't tell you before because I wanted you to get the Mangyeko Sharingan." Sayuri was frozen. "What the hell do you mean?!" Sayuri demanded. Itachi then snapped his fingers, and suddenly Sayuri knew what happened, about Danzo, the leaf, the nine-tailed fox, the Mangyeko Sharingan, and the Uchiha. "Wh-What.." Sayuri was shocked. "I have left my eyes for you, implant them into your eyes, so you do not lose your vision as I did. I have to go now, Sayuri, and remember, I will always love you," Itachi said, and the genjutsu fell, leaving Sayuri with her brother's dead body.

Flashback end

Sayuri cried for a long time before taking Itachi's eyes and implanting them. "I'm gonna kill that bastard," she said quietly, and Sayuri sped at top speed towards the leaf village, where Danzo was running things in the village leader's absence. It took a while, but Sayuri finally made it. When she arrived, two guards asked why she was back, and she knocked them out. Danzo was the only thing on her mind. She ran to the Hokage's office and walked into the building. Danzo was nowhere to be found. "Where is that bastard?!" Sayuri yells in anger.

Sayuri runs through the village and the nearby area and eventually finds Danzo walking across a bridge. "I'm here to kill you!" Sayuri yells. "As if you could," Danzo says and takes out his right arm, showing the pale white skin with many Uchiha eyes. Sayuri seethes in rage.

Danzo rushes Sayuri with his newly shown arm and punches her, only to find that an awakened Susanoo blocked him. Danzo's eye widens, and he looks up at Sayuri, who has her Eternal Mangyeko Sharingan activated. Danzo jumps back, but not before being grabbed by Sayuri's Susanoo. "So this is the power they call 'Susanoo,'" says Danzo. "You're the reason for my clan's demise!" Sayuri yells, "I'll fucking kill you!!!" and squeezes him tighter, making Danzo gasp for air and cough up blood. "Damn you, Itachi. It seems you revealed everything to her before you died." Danzo says bitterly. "How dare you speak his name!" Sayuri yells, and her Susanoo changes from a hand to a half body. "Even so, revealing secrets of the leaf to rouge shinobi makes him a traitor all the sam-" Danzo is stopped by his body being crushed by the Susanoo. Sayuri's eyes widen as she sees a lack of dead body in Susanoo's hand.

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