Chapter 4: The Exams

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If you don't know, the first exam is a written test, the second exam is in the forest of death, where teams of three are given one of two scrolls, and the teams have to get the other scroll from a different team and make it to the building in the middle, and the third exam is a tournament.

Naruto checked his watch. 1:06. "Better get going," Naruto said and Jumped out of the window of the hotel he was staying at and ran towards where the first Chunin Exams takes place. As he ran he sensed a figure following him as he left his hotel.

He had noticed the Anbu following him the day before but did not act on it.

As he reached the building Naruto jumped on to the street and started walking. Naruto had decided upon the alias Nasuro, and his outfit was designed with a hood and he had dyed his hair so no one would recognize him, as he had been in the academy for a bit before he left the village. He now looked a lot like Menma from road to ninja. as he approached the building he saw many of his old classmates. He walked by with indifference and went up next to the sand genin and leaned against the wall next to them and closed his eyes.

"Sayuri! I profess my undying love for you!!" Said a kid in a green jumpsuit. Naruto opened one eye 'hm? is someone being annoying?' he wondered. The girl at the receiving end of the proposal ignored the boisterous black-haired boy. "Why must you be like this! no matter, the power of youth always prevails!" The kid said, punching the air. 'okay, he is getting annoying' Naruto concluded and got up from leaning against the wall and said "Shinra Tensei!" as his eyes flashed purple. The Bushy browed boy was blown back down the hallway and into the wall at the end, "would you shut up? you are being a disturbance." Naruto said as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall. Everyone in the waiting area stared at Naruto, especially Sayuri.

Quick not: Yeah Sayuri is Sasuke. I have it as a tag for this story. Also, the spot Naruto had is going to be replaced by an OC that doesn't have much importance to the story. I'm going to name him Hayaso. Back to the story.

The doors had opened and the first Chunin Exam had started. Naruto looked down at the test, 'crap, I don't know any of this!' He said to himself. Don't worry, I know the answers to all of these 'Okay thanks Kurama' He said in his head. A few minutes later he left as the first person to finish.


Naruto made it to the Forest of death and was waiting for the instructions along with the rest of the genin. The Jonin Anko told them the rules and all the teams got ready. Naruto sat by himself still. Sayuri walked up to him, "thanks for getting rid of Lee the other day, I hate it when the guys are like that" she said. "k," Naruto said, "I didn't really do it to help you though, he was annoying." Naruto admitted, trying to stop the conversation. "where is your team?" Sayuri asked. "I don't have one, I'm solo," Naruto said and walked towards the gate. Anko yelled: "BEGIN!!" and all the teams rushed in through their gates and entered the Forest of Death.

Naruto used his Sensing Technique and found the nearest team with a scroll "Limbo: Border Jail" he says and releases 3 limbo clones that run towards the opposing team and take them out. He walks over to where the knocked out team is and picks up their scroll and runs to the building in the middle.

On his way to the building, he senses a large chakra, and runs towards it, curious about whats going on. He sees a giant snake attacking a boy and a girl, he recognizes the girl as Sayuri and assumes the boy is her teammate. He sees a man on the snake and he immediately knows who it is: Orochimaru, 'why is a rouge Sanin at the Chunin exams?' he asks himself. Once he is close enough to hear what is going on, he hears Orochimaru say "You will be mine Uchiha!" and his head shoots at Sayuri. "Amenotejikara!" he says and suddenly he is where Sayuri was and he slices Orochimaru's neck with a Black Receiver and stops the attack. "What the heck!?" Orochimaru yells, regrowing his body back with some weird Jutsu. "Where is the Uchiha?" he says and spots her on a nearby tree with her mouth wide open, clearly in disbelief at what is happening. "I am the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths! Nasuro!" Naruto yells and powers up to KCM2 Six Paths Sage Mode. "Wha...What the heck???" Orochimaru Yells and jumps up to attack Naruto. Naruto sends his truth-seeking orbs at Orochimaru and slices him up, Orochimaru disappears in a cloud of smoke along with the giant snake. "A clone..." Naruto says bitterly and powers down while walking toward Sayuri and Hayaso who are both on the ground. "Hey. You okay?" Naruto asks. "Um, yeah..." Says Sayuri and Hayaso in unison, nodding their heads. Naruto senses a team coming towards them and sends his Limbo clones after them while he leaves team 7 and keeps on going towards the end building.

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