Chapter 9: The War

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The next month

The five Kage are planning a meetup to discuss the Akatsuki, The Five Kage Summit.

That is the word going around throughout the world's shinobi forces.

Naruto gets a request from Tsunade to come to her office. Naruto makes his way to the fifth Hokage. He finally reaches the door to Tsunade's office and opens it. "Ah, Naruto, there you are." Says Tsunade. "I would like to request you to be my bodyguard for the Five Kage Summit that happens the day after tomorrow as you are the strongest ninja in the leaf village without a doubt." She asks, regally. "Thank you, Lady Hokage, and it would be my pleasure." Naruto says, 'strongest in the village hmm?' he says to himself. "Great, I will see you tomorrow morning to travel to the location," Tsunade says. "Dismissed"

Naruto leaves the Hokage building.

The next morning.

Naruto wakes up to his alarm and tries to get out of bed without waking Sayuri. When he is successful, he leaves the house and makes his way towards the main village gate, where he is supposed to depart from the leaf village. When he arrives, he sees Tsunade and two Anbu members waiting for him. "Okay, let's go." says an Anbu member, and they all runoff.

The trip takes about a day before they reach The Land of Iron, where the summit takes place. Soon the group arrives at the specified location. Once they get inside, they see the four other Kage waiting for the meeting to start. Naruto remains behind Tsunade while the Kage talks, and out of nowhere, a man comes out of a black spiral. The man laughs, "and yet, with all your talk, what have you Five Kage accomplished? You of all people should know the truth by now," The man says the Kage stare at the man shocked. "There is... no hope. Hope is equivalent to giving up, and it's the biggest deception of all! Now, turn over the remaining eight and nine tails and cooperate with my plan, or this is war," he says darkly. "War you say?" says Gaara slowly "eight tails? What do you mean, you captured Bee! The Raikage exclaims. "The eight tails capture failed, and he escaped, now, there's a shinobi who is a perfect jinchurkiki, there is no one quite like your younger brother." Says the man ominously. "I am not going to let you take Kurama!" says Naruto. "Same here," says Gaara "what about you raikage?" the Tsuchikage asks, "I'll never give up my brother!" yells the Raikage. "I may not have many strengths, but I do have the powers of the seven tailed beasts I've collected, you have no chance of winning," the cloaked man says matter-of-factly. "We won't abandon hope," says Gaara defiantly. "Very well, I now declare war on you all, the fourth great ninja war begins now!" says the masked man. "What?! You're starting the fourth great ninja war? Are you mad?" the Tsuchikage aks. Everyone stares at the man, awaiting an answer. "The next time we meet will be in battle!" the man declares and disappears in a swirl. Everyone doesn't know what to say; Gaara is the first to regain his composure. "We should create an allied shinobi force, with all the world's shinobi fighting together against the remaining Akatsuki." offers Gaara. The Kage are now in agreement. And thus, The Allied Shinobi forces are created.

The Kage had wanted to hide Naruto and Bee, but Naruto quickly dismissed the idea, saying that he is more potent than all of them, and it would be a waste to leave him on the sidelines. The Raikage gets pissed that this teen thinks he is more potent than Kage but is silenced by Tsunade, who says that it is probably true. "Fine, I will allow Naruto to join the war, but Bee will be hidden!" The Raikage says. No one has anything to say against it.

Two days later

The Shinobi of this world have been rallied, and so begins the Fourth Great Ninja War. Everything goes the same as the original first part of the war, with Zetsu being taken out by Naruto and the reanimations being released.

At Naruto

Naruto knew his Sensing Technique had to lock on to a target expressing chakra over long distances, so it wasn't very hard to find the culprit to the Edo Tensei. He arrived at a cave. He saw a figure sitting on the ground, seemingly performing some sort of Jutsu. "Orochimaru," says Naruto. "I assume you are Naruto?" Says Orochimaru. Naruto powers up to KCM2 SPSM and starts to overpower Orochimaru, "Naruto, if you kill me, the Reanimations won't go away ever!" Orochimaru says. Naruto stops. "I guess I'll have to force you to undo the Jutsu then!" Naruto says with a smirk. "Limbo: Border Jail!" He says to Orochimaru.

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