Chapter 7: The Savior

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3 Years later

Naruto awoke very early in the Morning to a raving Fox. Naruto! The Akatsuki are attacking Shukaku! "What Kurama..." Naruto said sleepily. Naruto, wake the hell up, go help Shukaku, I don't like him very much but I don't want those filthy Akatsuki to have him! "Okay okay lemme get dressed," Naruto said as he pulled pants and a shirt on. Now get going to the sand! "Okay, one sec!" Naruto said as he left a note for Sayuri. Naruto then powered up to KCM2 Six Paths Sage Mode and ran towards Shukak's distress signal at lightning speed.

He arrived at Gaara's location in a couple of hours and he saw two Akatsuki members walking with Gaara. He created an Asura Path shadow clone and sent it toward the two Akatsuki members. The two jumped out of the way of the Asura path as the clone launched small missiles at them. Deidara threw an exploding bomb at the clone, defeating it instantly.

Naruto then rushed at Deidara, catching him off guard and punching him square in the face which sent him flying. Sasori sent 10 puppets after Naruto but to no avail as Naruto destroyed them as soon as they were summoned with his truth-seeking orbs. Deidara and Sasori then sent combined an attack of exploding puppets straight towards Naruto that made a huge explosion. "As you can see, art is an EXPLOSION!!!" Deidara yelled as he sent hundreds of small bombs that grew in size just before they exploded at Naruto right after. And Sasori sent thousands of poison-tipped needles at the same time. But when the smoke cleared, Naruto was Unscathed. He had used his truth-seeking orbs as a shield around him. "Drilling Hands of Sage Lightning!" Naruto yelled and blitzed Deidara and Sasori sending them flying. Sasori then came out in his true form, as his puppet had been destroyed. Deidara was on the ground, unconscious. "100 puppets technique!" Sasori yelled and sent all his puppets at Naruto. "Shinra Tensei!" Naruto yelled and around half of the puppets were blown away. He then generated Black Receivers and proceeded to cut down Sasori's puppets all the while dodging the many poisons and knives that came after him, blocking most of them with his Truth-seeking orbs.

Then he was hit by a needle. About 15 puppets remained. Sasori grinned wildly, "looks like I finally got you." he said happily. "I'm not out yet though!" yelled Naruto and sent 6 paths out towards the puppets, defeating them all almost instantaneously. Naruto then yelled "Drilling Hand of Sage Lightning!" and decimated Sasori. 'Hey, Kurama?' Naruto asked while releasing his shadow clones 'am I going to die because of this guy's stupid poison?' No Naruto. I am sending my chakra through your body as we speak and clearing out the poison from your bloodstream. No need to worry. 'Good.' Naruto thought. Deidara started to get up. "Bansho Tenin!" Naruto yells as Deidara flies into Naruto's Receiver rod, killing him.

Naruto walked over to where Gaara was laying and started to perform Mystical Palm Technique on the red-haired jinchuriki. After about ten minutes Gaara was awake."N-Naruto?" Gaara asked. "What happened?" He sat up, weary-eyed. "I just saved you, thank Kurama I wouldn't have known you were here if it weren't for him and Shukaku," Naruto said. "Thanks to you all the same man." The two had made up a year ago when Gaara invited Naruto to his coronation as Kazekage. "Let's get you back to the village k? I can't stand this desert..." Naruto muttered. "Good that" Said Gaara and they both got up. "Here, let me perform The Chakra Transfer Technique so you can get back to the village easily. Naruto gives Gaara some chakra and the two start to run towards the sand village at blazing speeds.

When they reach the village an entire search party is waiting for them. Everyone is surprised, 'wait how is Gaara back already' they are all thinking. "Don't worry you all, I saved Gaara already" Naruto says, chuckling a little 'hah they made a whole search party but I already found him' he said to himself. "Yes. Naruto apparently beat the two Akatsuki members who kidnapped me and saved me." Gaara added. Everyone was a little shocked still, they all thought Gaara was probably dead at this point. The many sand ninja in the search party thanked Naruto for saving their Kazekage. Naruto and Gaara caught up for a bit and then Naruto left.

Naruto got back to the leaf and went back to Sayuri, who was now awake. "Naruto, I was so worried, you can't just leave like that! You should have woke me up" Sayuri said, clearly annoyed. "I'm sorry Sayuri" he hugged her. "See? I'm fine, I got to catch up with Gaara as well.

Later in the day...

Naruto was called into the Hokage's office. "Naruto? I just got a letter from the sand village telling me what happened this morning." Tsunade said when Naruto walked into her office. "Just wanted to say thank you, it definitely improved our relationship with the sand village. Also, I can't believe you took out two Akatsuki members!" Tsunade said "are you sure you don't want to be a shinobi? You are insanely powerful" "No, I don't." Naruto said, "And thanks." He left the office. He still wasn't about to become a ninja.

Sayuri had to leave for a mission, so Naruto was all alone in the Uchiha house. He decides he better get some fresh air and leaves for the central area of Konohagakure. He ends up walking next to a Ramen shop called Ichiraku Ramen! He sits down at the bar they have and asks for their most popular ramen dish. "Okay, one beef Ramen coming right up!" the lady working there says. In a few minutes, the Ramen is sitting right in front of him. He takes the chopsticks and starts eating the Ramen 'quite exquisite' he thinks to himself. And he eats it all and pays. 'I might come back here some time' he thinks to himself.

Okay and end.

Did you like it??? I tried to make the battle with Deidara and Sasori a bit harder because they are really strong, but Naruto is practically a god so it still didn't really matter... Also, I love Deidara so I wanted his "art is an explosion" bit in there. This might be the last one I make today, but who knows?

As always,

See ya later Uchihas

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