Chapter 5: The Found

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Naruto was back to living in the forest, he didn't know where to go. He needed a new group that wanted to destroy the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He spent a while thinking about it, before realizing that the place he needed to go was the Sound Village, they had orchestrated the whole attack the leaf operation so they must want to destroy the leaf. He started to get ready to go to the sound, but he needed to go somewhere else first.

Meanwhile at the leaf village.

Sayuri was horrified. She couldn't believe it, Nasuro, was an enemy ninja. "I need more details!" She said to Kakashi angrily. "Okay, okay, well apparently the sand village was tricked by Orochimaru into attacking us-"

"So he could be a sand ninja right??"

"I'm getting to that. The sand said that Nasuro came to them when they were preparing to attack us and asked if he could join them in the attack. He demonstrated a great feat of power and they weren't going to refuse him after the fact. Also, I shouldn't be saying this, but it was revealed Nasuro has the same chakra signature as the rouge ninja Naruto, who left the village six years ago after killing a group of villagers."

"so Nasuro... is named Naruto?" Sayuri asked in a small voice. She felt sick. This rouge ninja was probably just trying to get her Sharingan like Orochimaru, and she completely fell for it. "Hey, they are still working out the details. Maybe they will find something?" Kakashi says in hopes to cheer Sayuri up, but she is still looking down. "I'm...I'm going to go home..." she says and walks off.

When She arrives back at her house in the Uchiha area, she is greeted by a surprise. It's Naruto. She tries to punch him but the punch is dodged easily. "Sayuri?" he says when he sees her face. "What the hell Nasuro- or wait that's not even your real name is it!" She yells angrily. He sees her eyes, they are red with 3 tomoes in them. He grabs her hands "Calm down. You want to talk?" Naruto says to her. "y...yeah... I do Nasu-Naruto" Sayuri collapses.

After a few seconds, Sayuri gets up and slaps Naruto "I want an explanation!" she demands. "Okay okay," Naruto says "so uh yeah, sorry about lying to you about my name... Yeah, my real name is Naruto, I am a rogue ninja from the leaf, the jinchurkiki of the Nine-Tailed Fox and the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths." Sayuri gives Naruto a 'what?' look. Naruto tells her about Kurama and the rinnegan and other stuff. "So what about the rouge ninja part?" Sayuri asks him. "well, the villagers always used to hate me because of the nine-tails and they would beat me a lot. On my birthday it was especially bad and I awakened my rinnegan and in my rage, I killed the villagers that were attacking me. After that I knew I would have to leave the village or I would go to prison for the rest of my life, or someone would gouge my eyes out or something." Naruto said. "I'm... so sorry Naruto..." she said "I had no idea...I thought you were after my Sharingan or something..." Sayuri looks down. "Hey, it's okay," Naruto says. "You could have stayed... I mean it was self-defense right?" Sayuri asks. "No, I overheard some of the ninja talking about they would have to lock me up when they thought I couldn't hear them," Naruto responds. Sayuri hugs Naruto "I'm sorry..." She says quietly. Naruto hugs her back and his face reddens a bit. "Hey, Naruto? Do you think they made a document on your case or something?" Sayuri says "Maybe we could find it, it might have info on what the village was gonna do or something." she looks up at Naruto. "Yeah, they probably do, want to go steal it?" he asks her. "Yeah sure, they probably have less security in the Hokage's office now that Lord Third is dead," Sayuri replies and they get up to go find the report.

Once they get close to the Hokage building the two jump onto a nearby building and jump from there into the Hokage's office. When they are inside they start looking through old documents and find one on the month that Naruto left the village.

There are 7 scrolls in the folder that is labeled from six years ago, and one has some writing on the front that says Naruto. Inside is a report on what happened. There is a note from the Third Hokage in it along with a foundation report. The foundation report reads:

'I was watching as the boy was beaten mercilessly, I was going to help him when I see his eyes glow purple and then a second later he is tearing through the attacking villagers with black poles'

The two open the letter from the Hokage and it says:

'It was terrible what those villagers did to him, and he will not be punished, though I would like him to start training, those eyes could be a valuable asset to the village as Danzo has said multiple times. though I don't want to overwork him, I made a promise to Minato and Kushina when they died that I would take care of Naruto, and I will make sure this never happens again.'

"Naruto?" Sayuri asks and looks up at him. Naruto has tears running down his face. He hugs Sayuri and buries his face in her shoulder. Sayuri hugs him back. "It's going to be okay," Sayuri says softly to him as he cries quietly.

Once they are back at Sayuri's house Naruto lays down on her couch and closes his eyes, 'I guess I'm not going to go to the sound after all" he says to himself as he falls to sleep.

The next morning

Sayuri wakes up Naruto with some water in his face. "Sayuri?" he says. "Good Morning Naruto," she says and smiles at him. "so, what are you gonna do now?" Sayuri says. "I am going to stay in the Leaf. I will show the people in charge of the village the letter from the Hokage and hopefully stay here" he says. "but I thought you hated the villagers?" Sayuri asked. "Yeah, it's not like I'm about to become a hidden leaf shinobi or something... I don't know what to think anymore. I guess I only hate some villagers. I have a lot to wrap my head around right now, and all I know right now is that I just want to stay here with you, and then I'll find out what is going to happen later" He answers. Sayuri blushes a bit at what he said. "okay, that makes sense, well uh... thanks I guess?" She says.

Okay, end.

Gonna save what happens next for Chapter six, so stay tuned, probably going to come out in a few hours because I am on a writing spree right now lol. Hope you liked it because I feel good about where the story is going, and I might have a time skip coming up soon. Tsunade is going to be convinced by Jiraiya by himself to become Hokage because I think I want to stick to the Original story timeline as much as possible instead of having Danzo be the Hokage.

As always,

See ya later Uchihas.

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