Chapter 2: The Lost

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"Ahhhh!!!" Naruto screamed, he was standing in what seemed to be a large sewage system at first glance. "Someone hel-" Naruto stopped talking as he saw the massive fox in front of him, his jaw dropped, gaping at the creature.

"Naruto, I said I would tell you everything and I will" Naruto nodded slowly. "O...okay" he spoke quietly and weakly as a result of his shaking. "Don't be afraid Naruto, you are in your mindscape, that is where I, Kurama live. I am one of nine tailed beasts who were sealed inside humans to make them jinchuriki." "Wait... if this is my mindscape does that mean I'm a jinchuriki??" Naruto questioned "yes Naruto, you are. Haven't you ever wondered why the villagers hate you so much? It's because I was summoned and controlled to destroy this village 6 years ago by a masked man, he forced me to destroy the village and kill many, including your parents, the same day you were born. I was then sealed inside of you."

"The villagers hate me because of you!" Naruto yelled, now aggravated "you're the reason for my suffering! you killed my parents?!" "No Naruto you misunderstand, it was against my will. I have no problem with your village and wouldn't attack it willingly. I hate humans but I don't care enough to do anything. Pitiful beings." "If you hate humans so much, why are you helping me?" "I thought it would be obvious, though, you are only 6. Don't you know what you used to kill those villagers? It was the rinnegan, a powerful kekkei mora doujutsu used most famously by the Sage of Six Paths, or in other words, you."  "What are you talking about, how am I the Sage of Six Paths?" "Well, technically you aren't him, but his reincarnation, it is the only logical assumption to be made with your circumstances. At first, I hated you, you were my imprisoner, but now that I realize you are the reincarnation of my father and no longer hold any negative feelings towards you."  "This... is all just so much to process," the little boy said, trying to wrap his head around the whole thing.  He didn't know how he felt about the fox, the fox had killed his parents.

"Naruto, I want to train you in the ways of the rinnegan and in any other of my father's techniques that you inheritedKurama offered. Naruto still was unsure about the fox but was not about to pass up free training that could possibly make him hundreds of times stronger, "Okay!" he said excitedly. 

9 months later...

While Naruto had been training his rinnegan, he had learned all five nature releases along with discovering six new powers that he had access to due to him being the reincarnation of The Sage of Six Paths, them being the Truthseeker orbs, the Drilling Hand of Sage Lightning, the Mystical Palm, the Chakra Transfer Technique, the Six Paths Senjutsu, and the Sensing technique. Kurama had taught him most of it, since he had seen the SO6P in action before, and knew of his jutsu. He had not learned any paths yet but Kurama assured him that he would know at least half of them in the next five years and that he would teach him Six Paths Sage Mode next.

Naruto had been in the Forest for around 2 months since he last left a small village he found close to the Land of Fire's border and was running low on food. The child left a small hut made out of bamboo and leaves he had built so he could restock on supplies.

Naruto wandered for a bit before he found a little settlement with a couple of houses and a farm. He walked up to the Farmhouse and knocked on the door. An old man holding a bottle of Sake answered. 'Oh brother' Naruto thought. "What do ya wan' kid," the man said drunkenly. Naruto put on a sad face. "Can I get some food please, sir? I've been wandering for days and I'm starving" Naruto pleaded. "Ya got money to pay for the food kid?" "

"No, please sir I have no money and I'm starving" Naruto begged.

"No money?!," the man yelled "quit wastin' my time you brat!"

A woman walked up to the door "what's the matter Katsurou? Who is this child?" The lady asks. "This brat says he's 'starving' and was asking for free food!" The man known now as Katsurou exclaims. "Oh honey, I'm sure we can spare some food for the boy, he seems lost."

"Whatever! You deal with the brat!"

"Just go back to drinking your Sake," the lady says. Katsurou leaves grudgingly. The Woman walks over to Naruto and bends over. "Hey kiddo, don't worry about my husband, we'll give you something to eat! I'm Hina, what's your name?" She says nicely to Naruto. The boy looks up, happy (he had been staring at the floor) "my name's, thanks a lot" he says.

"Okay Narumo I'll see what I can get you, do you have a place to stay?" Hina asks. "No...I don't..." Naruto responds, truthfully this time. "okay, well we have an extra room if you want to stay over!" Hina says. "OK, that's awesome thanks Hina!".

Later that night...

"I can't believe our luck!" Katsurou says with a grin. "the kid the leaf is looking for ends up delivered to us right on our doorstep!" "I know honey, the leaf is offering 100 thousand ryo (about $10,000) for this kid!" Hina says excitedly. 

Naruto sits atop the stairs, watching. 'too bad,' he thinks 'they seemed nice'. What are you going to do Naruto? 'I think you know Kurama' the blonde-haired boy replies. "Drilling Hand of Sage Lightning!!" Naruto yells and his hand lights up with a powerful lightning. He then proceeds to kill the man and woman in an instant. "I guess I will live here for a while after all." Naruto says.

Thank you so much for reading! took me a bit longer to write this one, how is it? I'm thinking of Naruto being kind of like Sasuke was in canon, except much stronger. He hates the village and wants to destroy it someday when he is strong enough, because right now, while he might now advanced techniques, he isn't strong enough to utilize them to their full potential, he is only six after all. I might have him join up with another village like in Shadow Sage's video, "what if Naruto went rouge". Maybe the sand because they attack the leaf. 

okay that's all,

see ya next time Uchihas!

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