Chapter 8: The Pain

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3 months later

The village was going crazy, there had been an attack from the Akatsuki. Sayuri had gone off to go fight the attacking Akatsuki and Naruto was looking for her. He was running through the leaf village when he saw a man in black and red robes grab onto two ninjas. He powered up to KCM2 SPSM(Six Paths Sage Mode) and decimated the Akatsuki member (The Deva path) with one "Shinra Tensei!" and ran on, looking for Sayuri. He saw another member fighting against Kakashi and he sent a Limbo clone after it, which managed to defeat the member(The Asura Path) Naruto saw another one and shot a fireball at it, and to his surprise, the member absorbed the fireball. This time he saw the Akatsuki's eyes. Purple with a black spiral pattern. The rinnegan. Naruto was shocked but regained composure and used Black Receivers to kill the member with lightning speed. 'That was the Preta Path!' he thought to himself. And ran on.

He then saw a large crater with a fight going on in the center. He rushed to the fight and saw the Animal and Deva path fighting a group of leaf shinobi, it was clear the Paths were winning. Naruto joined the fight and Yelling "Drilling Hand of Sage Lightning!" and killed the Animal path.

The Deva path and Naruto looked at each other dead in the eyes, rinnegan to rinnegan. And rushed at each other. They exchanged blow for blow until Pain shot a Chakra pole right inside Naruto's gut making him collapse. "Naruto!" Sayuri yelled and rushed at pain with a Chidori and stabbed him with it, Pain yelled and said "Shinra Tensei!" Sayuri blew backward a hundred feet into a rock making a giant crack and a plume of dust arose.

When the dust cleared Naruto saw Sayuri in a bloody mess, dead. Naruto poured out KI as he roared. "CHIBAKU TENSEI!!" He yelled. A was as if a tornado was in the air, everything pulled towards one spot until there was a huge ball of rock in the sky with Pain inside of it. The rock blew up and Pain shot towards Naruto. Naruto dodged and slammed Pain with a giant Black Receiver, throwing him back into a rock. Naruto yelled "Shinra Tensei!" and Pain went completely through the rock and was instantly stabbed by Naruto with Drilling Hand of Sage Lightning. Pain was down but Naruto kept beating him with tears in his eyes. Pain got up and tried to Shinra Tensei Naruto away, but Naruto dodged and kicked Pain. He started to stab Pain repeatedly with his black receivers. Pain tried to get up but was held down by Naruto's truth-seeking orbs. Naruto then beat the shit out of Pain until he died.

Naruto, go find the real one. Naruto nodded and using his Sensing Technique to find Nagato. Once he found him he sped towards Nagato and was there in a matter of minutes. Naruto walked up to Nagato. "You bastard! Give me Sayuri back!" he yelled at him. "Your role is to be a sacrifice for the peace that I create," says Pain and he shoots a large chakra rod at naruto. Naruto easily dodges. "You think that could hurt me you fucking piece of shit!" Naruto yells and rushes Nagato. Naruto stops after Konan jumps in the way. "You don't understand true pain," says Nagato. "I understand pain quite enough," Naruto says quietly. "My whole life I was beaten down, I never knew my parents, and my only friend was killed today, if that isn't, then what is true pain?" Naruto asks, tears forming. Nagato's eyes widen. "You have suffered so much, and yet you still follow the same path?" questioned Nagato. "Of course. My goal comes with pain. I will never waver. My resolve is absolute. I am the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths!" Naruto says. "That is impressive. The pain I suffered broke me. I am no longer walking down the path I once was, and I realize that know" Nagato says and looks down "I have suffered through war, and war inflicts death, injury, and pain" Nagato continues, looking at Naruto "The death of someone dear is hard to accept, we convince ourselves that there is no way they could die. It is especially can't be helped with your generation. You don't know war. You may try to find meaning in death, but there is only pain. An unbearable hatred... Senseless deaths... Eternal hatred... and pain that does not heal. That's what war is. Naruto... this is what you will be facing in time. It seems my work ends here, Naruto." the paper tree that Nagato is hiding in falls away, letting the light shine on the three ninjas. "I believe, with your power, you can bring true peace..." says Nagato "I will now help you Naruto," "Rinne Rebirth!" he says.

Konan seals Nagato's body along with Yahiko's. "Goodbye, Naruto," Konan says and Naruto runs off towards the village.

When Naruto arrives Back at the leaf everyone is waiting for him, the whole village is cheering for him and chanting his name. Then he sees her. Sayuri. Naruto runs over to Sayuri and hugs her. "Naruto-" She stops talking as Naruto Kisses her and the villagers cheer, they are kind of unsure what is going on but they are all happy for Naruto. Sayuri kisses him back and they hug with tears running down Naruto's face. Naruto pulls away as all the villagers lift him up and toss him up and down.

2 days later

Naruto and Sayuri lean on each other while sitting on their couch in Sayuri's house. "Sayuri?" Asks Naruto. "Yeah?" Says Sayuri. "I love you."

"I love you too," Sayuri says she smiles at him. "Loser," she says and turns away laughing.


Did you like it??? I tried to make the Nagato part as good as possible so it wouldn't seem like Nagato used Rinne-Rebirth for no reason. Also, Naruto is probably going to be a leaf ninja now. 4th great ninja war coming out soon!

As always,

See ya later Uchihas!

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