Chapter 6: Restoration

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Before you start reading, here is some context, Jiraiya got Tsunade to be the Fifth Hokage.

Naruto walks into the Hokage's office. Everyone in the room gasps. "Naruto?" Tsunade asks. "Lady Fifth, I would like to live in the leaf village," Naruto says clearly. "N-Naruto you do realize that you are a rogue ninja right? We cannot just allow you to live here again!" Tsunade responds after regaining her composure. "I think this letter from the Third Hokage will change your mind," he says and tosses Tsunade the report from the previous Hokage into Tsunade's hands. Tsunade read the letter and her mouth drops open. "You're Minato and Kushina's kid?" Tsunade says in disbelief after reading the letter. "Yes," Naruto responds. "Well Naruto, I will have to check the letter for validity, and meanwhile you will be held in jail," Tsunade says. "I understand" Naruto responds and nods. Two Anbu Root members appear and grab Naruto. "Also, if I discover that you did not check the letter, and just lock me up forever, I will break out and send 30 meteors on the village. You see, I don't trust you leaf village people." He adds. "Okay, that's... um fine, I can understand if this report is really what happened." Tsunade says.

One day later

"Thanks for coming to check on me Sayuri," Naruto says behind bars, smiling, "The Anbu member said that the test for validity has concluded and the results will be in later today" Sayuri lets out a breath. "That's great Naruto!" she says. They talk for a bit and soon Tsunade comes around the corner. "L-Lady Tsunade!?" Sayuri says to the Hokage. "Hello, Sayuri, there you are Naruto. Naruto, the test came back." Tsunade says addressing Naruto "I'm so sorry about everything okay, can you forgive me? Here let me get you out of the cell-" she takes out a key and unlocks the door and Naruto walks out. "So you have the rinnegan?" Tsunade questions. "Yes, and Kurama Chakra mode and Six Paths Sage Mode. I am the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths. Though I'm sorry to say that I will not become a ninja of the leaf." He answers. "Wait what? Sage of Six Paths?" Tsunade is shocked. Naruto explains everything to her. "Okay, I understand now. It is a shame you won't become a shinobi, you seem like you are very powerful" Tsunade concludes. "Goodbye Naruto," she says and walks away.

Later at Sayuri's House.

"Naruto?" Sayuri asks. "Yeah? What's up?" Naruto says. "Why did you want to stay with me?" Sayuri asks. "I don't know, maybe its because you are the only person that has been nice to me ever," Naruto responds jokingly. "Seriously?" Sayuri asks. "Yeah seriously," Naruto responds.

And end.

So sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to have this little part so Naruto can live in the leaf village before the story moves on to Shippuden. Hopefully, all the chapters released today makeup for this one.

and as always,

See ya later Uchihas

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