Double Date

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Liam Clarke was desperately trying to concentrate on history and the origins of English politics. He liked politics with a passion but today he was ready to hand in the towel and take the easy option like art.

It didn't help that the lesson was being taught by Sister Ann who should have retired years ago and looked like she was suffering the early stages of dementia. It probably didn't help that some of the boys would swop seats when she turned to write on the whiteboard to increase her confusion.

St Joseph's was an all boys catholic school and was like no other school in the area unless you included their female equivalent St Augustus. The school very much adhered to old fashioned values and was very much stuck in a time warp. The teachers were mostly nuns who ruled over the school with an iron fist.

Liam was happy at school although occasionally he wondered if he should have made the leap and gone to college instead of staying on at the sixth form. Still he had friends here even if they were all loveable morons.

Suddenly he was distracted by something sharp hitting his head and found a pencil on the floor along with a rubber, a ruler and what looked like a combination of 36 pence in coins.

"Oi Clarke!"a voice hissed loudly from behind.

Liam turned round slightly surprised to see Aiden Carter desperately trying to get his attention. The slightly bigger boy leaned forward, his jet black hair falling over his face partially covering his strong jawline and his hazel brown eyes.

He glanced down at the items on the floor and then back again at Aiden, "Yours I presume" he said dryly.

"You took an age to respond"commented Aiden with an exaggerated eye roll.

They both heard a shhh from the corner of the room to which Aiden responded by sticking his finger up in the air at the ginger haired boy who scowled back. "Fucking Weasel"he muttered to which Liam found himself nodding in agreement.

Aiden and Liam glanced back at the front to see if Sister Ann has noticed them talking. She hadn't but then she was blind as a bat as well as tone deaf. It wasn't a secret to the boys that she purposely turned off her hearing aids at the beginning of class.

Liam picked up the items on the floor and placed them back on Aiden desk. "What do you want?".

"Are you doing anything Saturday?".

Liam smirked slightly, "washing my hair. Why?".

"Don't be a prick Clarke"scolded Aiden irritably rolling his eyes. "I need you to go on a double date with me".

Liams eyes widened, "Fuck no!".

"Look Clarke, Dom's a fucking turd and Weasel is gay as fuck so I can't ask them. I can't ask Jimbo as he has a fucking girlfriend. You are literally my last hope of not having blue balls this weekend".

Liam raised his eyebrows and muttered sarcastically, "Well since you asked so nicely".

"Hey you might get laid too and then you will be fucking thanking me. Apparently Trinas friend is desperate to lose her virginity so I doubt she's too fussy".

"Nice. So what's wrong with her?".

"I don't know. Does it even matter?"asked Aiden exasperated. "No wonder your balls haven't dropped yet".

"Your such a wanker"said Liam shaking his head in disbelief.

"You know you love me"Aiden thought for a second and then smirked, "no homo though".

"The fact you need to convince me says more about your own sexuality than you realise".

Ignoring him Aiden threw a rubber at the back of Liams head, "So????".

Liam couldn't think of anything worse than spending the evening with Aiden fucking Carter especially a double date. He wasn't overly sure he even liked girls, not that he would admit that to anyone and especially Aiden. Sure they were friends but Aiden was a required taste and was best in small doses or in a large group of friends that hid how annoying and obnoxious he could be.

He didn't even sit in his sodding desk properly thought Liam watching Aiden tilt his chair precariously on two legs. There was also little point in him wearing the uniform if he was just going to wear black jeans, trainers and have his white shirt tucked out. His only saving grace was his tie. Unlike Aidens messy form Liam was dressed smartly in black trousers, shirt, tie and black leather shoes. His scarlet St Joseph's blazer hung nearly on the back of his chair.

Liam sighed with resignation and asked cautiously, "if I was to agree where would we be going?".

Aiden grinned triumphantly, "Trinas house. Her parents are away for the weekend".

Liam scrunched his nose at this, suddenly the double date seemed even less appealing. He remembered vaguely hearing from Aiden that Trina went to St Augustines and that they had met on the bus on the way home. They had been on a few dates but Aiden was desperate to seal the deal. Liam wasn't quite sure what was taking Aiden so long as anyone who would give someone a blow Job in a McDonald's toilet after getting off the bus clearly wasn't a prude. In fact quite the opposite although he would keep those thoughts to himself as he wasn't entirely sure how invested Aiden was in Trina.

"Can't we just do the cinema or bowling or something?"complained Liam.

"Maybe I should have asked Weasel. I forgot what a gay fucking unitard you are"scoffed Aiden to which Liam responded by sticking his middle finger up at him.

Aiden raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything, instead he waited patiently for Liams answer.

Liam groaned loudly regretting what he was about to say already, "Fine, I'll go but you owe me".

984 words

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