Despite the incident up in the school attic things had returned back to normal or at least giving the vague appearance of normality. Aiden bounced from ignoring Liam to being a complete dickhead leaving the boy so confused that he was left wondering which option he preferred. He couldn't predict which way Aidens mood was going to swing from one day to the next.
In contrast things between him and Weasel seemed to be getting weirder and weirder. Liam couldn't exactly pin point it but it ranged from the subtle jokes he made to the small knowing smiles and the fact he seemed to be touching him more than usual.
One example of this happened lunchtime as the ginger haired boy rested his head on Liams shoulder and closed his eyes pretending to go to sleep. Liam stared down at the boy open mouthed not quite sure how to deal with the present situation.
Jimbo and Dom simply laughed at Weasels antics and continued to eat their lunch.
Aiden on the other hand didn't seem overly impressed as he stared at the two boys opposite him. This was further compounded by the fact his leg slipped as his body stretched outwards in what look like a fake yawn. "Oops".
Liam raised an eyebrow as Aiden simply shrugged and innocently bit down into his sandwich.
Weasel who bore the brunt of Aidens size 12 feet winced in pain as he bend down and rubbed his legs.
"I'm sure you did that on purpose"the ginger haired boy muttered.
"Hey Aiden do you want to come over to mine this Saturday and watch the finals? I'll get some beers in"Jimbo suddenly asked.
Aiden nodded without looking up and held a thumb up in agreement.
"Oi! Where's our invitation?"pouted Weasel, pretending to look hurt.
"You don't even like football"scoffed Jimbo and then waved his finger at Dom and Liam. "None of you do".
"I like it"Dom interrupted. "I just don't like to play it".
Weasel patted Dom's back sympathetically and then looked back at Jimbo, "Anyway that's not the point. You two leave us out all the time. Anyone would think your secretly dating or something".
Jimbo blinked. "What the....?".
Aiden looked at Jimbos speechless expression and his lips twitched slightly in amusement.
Weasel smiled sweetly back at Jimbo.
"Fine, you three are also invited"grumbled Jimbo.
"Why the hell are we going?"asked Liam irritably as the three of them got off the bus at the end of Jimbos road. "I hate football".
"To make a point"declared Weasel, biting down into his double cheeseburger. He was still in his McDonald's uniform much to the embarrassment of his two friends having already endured a few comments on their journey over. The smell of grease also didn't help matters either.
It didn't look like he had any spare clothes on him either.
"Don't you have any spare clothes? You must reak"questioned Dom.
"Do I look like I'm carrying a bag of spare clothes?"Weasel snapped back. He then grinned, "I'm sure Jimbo has something he can lend me".
"And burn afterwards"commented Dom.
Liam sniggered. "Think we've missed the match yet?".
"We can only hope"said Weasel.
"I forgot Jimbo lived in a fucking barn of a place"muttered Dom, his mouth widening as he suddenly stopped at the top of Jimbos driveway.
"Why do you think we're all friends with him"said Weasel. "And close your mouth your letting flies in".
"I think he's having an orgasm"commented Liam as he started to make his way down the long driveway.
"I didn't think his balls had dropped yet".
"Can we stop that"pleaded Dom.
Both boys grinned at each other and then shook their heads. "Nah".
"I hate you both"muttered Dom, as he stood under the porch and loudly knocked on Jimbos front door.
Unfortunately they hadn't missed the match just the preemptive build up. Jimbo tossed them each a can of beer while Aiden barely looked up from his phone to give a casual "yo" as a greeting.
Liam frowned slightly seeing him, wondering if he was messaging anyone. He wondered if he had met anyone else using the app since their last encounter. Not liking the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach he took a large gulp from his can and took a seat next to Weasel on the double couch.
"Whose playing?"asked Liam pretending to be interested.
Aiden looked up and smirked at him while Jimbo scoffed. "This is why we don't invite you three. You know shit about football. How can you not know? It's Manchester and Liverpool for Christ's sake. It's the championship finals!".
"Jeez! Keep your hair on!"laughed Weasel.
"Anyway if you ladies are going to gossip all the way through the match the exit is that way"said Jimbo pointing to the door. "Or you can play on my PS4 upstairs although no snooping".
"Your such an arsehole"muttered Dom shaking his head.
"What's the fun in that?"pouted Weasel. "I wanted to raid your porn collection. I bet you have quite a kink".
"Fuck off Weasel"retorted Jimbo. "Actually change of plan. Everyone apart from Weasel are welcome to use my bedroom".
"Damn. Guess we won't be able to have that three some after all".
"Your so fucking weird"muttered Aiden shaking his head.
The boys thankfully fell into a silence after that due to the football starting. Both Jimbo and Aiden looked tense as both were engrossed in the match. Liam couldn't help but secretly admire Aidens profile and think how sexy he looked right now. His thoughts going back to their previous encounter.
Liam glanced at Dom who also looked fairly involved as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat and grimaced every now and again. Weasel had plugged in some earphones and was watching some strange Asian drama with subtitles. Liam momentarily wondered why the boy would therefore need earphones.
He sighed. He was bored.
He wondered if anyone would notice if he spent the rest of the game in the bathroom. Probably not...and with that thought in mind he silently stood up and made his way upstairs.
Liam opened the door and stepped in only to realise he was inside Jimbos bedroom. Although he had been to Jimbos house a few times it was mostly knocking on his front door or waiting for him in the lounge.
He glanced at the walls rolling his eyes at the numerous posters of naked women adorning the walls.
"That ones my favourite"said a voice from behind.
Liam blushed slightly and turned round to find Aiden standing behind him with a huge smirk plastered across his face.
"Really?"scoffed Liam. "I didn't think she was your type".
"Shut up"murmured Aiden, closing the gap between them. "We only have five minutes...ten minutes tops until everyone notices that we're both gone".
Just as Liam was about to respond with a witty remark he was suddenly plunged into silence as Aidens lips crashed into his own.

Door Number One
RomanceLiam Clarke had a close circle of friends who he had known since primary school however they don't know his biggest secret. Liam is gay. What happens when the guy he meets through an app one night turns out to be someone he knows.