The Club

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"We're in a fucking gay club!"hissed Liam.

Dom looked just as irritated while the girls simply looked at each other and smirked in amusement.

"Oh really? I hadn't noticed"answered Weasel sarcastically as he grabbed his change and pocketed it back in his wallet. He grinned, "I said I would get you back".

"For what?"asked Liam, scowling slightly as he handed the cashier his entry money into the club.

Dom looked equally as clueless.

"Hello? That prank call you made last week".

Liam groaned loudly."That was a harmless prank! What happens if they find out we don't belong here? What happens if someone chats us up?".

"Third world problems, Liam"Weasel rolled his eyes dramatically. "Suck it up and try not to look cute". He patted Liam on the back and turned to Dom and smirked, "Shouldn't be a problem for you Angeles".

"Hey! I have you know I could pull someone in here if I wanted to"defended Dom which earnt him weird looks from the group.

"Yeah. Probably not what you should be saying in front of the girl your interested in"advised Weasel dryly, tapping him on the back before making his way down the dark corridor and towards some double doors.

"At least you won't have any competition"teased Liam, giving Dom one last glance before following Weasel to the bar.

The five friends looked round the club drinking in the electric atmosphere. The club was dark with bright neon lighting strobing across the dance floor. A mixture of 80s club music could be heard booming from the DJ booth causing excited squeals from the girls who were already dancing on the spot and groans from Dom and Liam who preferred more Indie and rock to club Tropicana. Weasel had already separated himself and was talking animatedly to a heavy set man at the bar as well as the barman.

Dom sighed and took out his wallet, "What can I get you guys?".

"Two pineapple Bacardis"answered Trina gratefully. "Thanks Dom. We'll get the next round".

He looked expectantly at Liam. "Any larger that's bottled".

"You can come with me then"grumbled Dom, gesturing to the girls to find a table for them to sit at.

Liam nodded, pocketing his hands awkwardly in his pockets as they both waited patiently at the bar. "You just don't want to be molested at the bar"whispered Liam teasingly as the barman finally came over and smiled warmly at them both.

"Your cute"he said to Liam flirtatiously. His vibrant blue eyes briefly checking him out causing Liam to blush furiously and Dom to suppress a huge grin. "I havnt seen you guys here before. First time?".

Dom waved vaguely towards Weasel who appeared to be resting his hand on the man at the bars leg and leaning in closely. His eyes narrowed slightly not quite sure what to make of it. "We came with a friend. First time for everything, I guess"he added with a shrug.

Liam had also noticed Weasel, nudging Dom sharply, as he grinned widely, "When in Rome...".

The barman looked over to who Dom was pointing at and smirked, "Who Si? Going to have to start charging him rent soon. He's like part of the furniture. He's a bit of a twat but a loveable twat".

For a moment Dom and Liam looked confused as to who Si was until they realised the barman was referring to Weasel as Simon.

"Anyway what can I get you guys?".

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