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Liam didn't know why he was surprised when it became clear that Aiden was purposely avoiding him when they returned back to school after the weekend.

It was a stupid thing to do on Aidens part especially seeing as they shared the same friend group. It hadn't been that noticeable at first as Aiden turned up late to home room and quickly disappeared off to the toilets before the start of next class. He'd given Jimbo a half arsed bro handshake and Dom a friendly jab on the shoulder but failed to return Liams greeting. Weasel he tended to ignore anyway as he had a habit of annoying Aiden just by simply opening up his mouth.

The first class they'd shared was politics and Aiden usually sat behind Liam however today he'd chosen to sit next to Weasel which drew surprise from the ginger haired boy who commented on it loudly drawing attention from the rest of the boys and earning himself a sharp elbow in the rib cage.

By lunchtime Aiden had dragged Jimbo outside for a friendly kick about without extending the invitation leaving Liam, Dom and Weasel sitting in the cafeteria together. Dom wasn't bothered, although the heavy set boy could clearly lose a few pounds and more running outside during lunch was not how he wanted to do it. Weasel was just glad of a gentle reprieve from Aidens snarky remarks and homophobic jibes although he gave as good as he got and returned the insults tenfold. Liam by this point only felt mild amusement as to the lengths Aiden was willing to go to avoid him and wondered how long this would continue. Did the kiss really effect him that much?

"I know it was you Saturday"accused the ginger haired boy, wagging his finger at Liam interrupting his trail of thoughts.

Liam blinked.

"Come on! The phone call? I know you and Aiden were on some sort of double date on Saturday. Who else would have my number?"said Weasel, his blue eyes flashing with mild irritation. As his eyes narrowed slightly, the freckles along his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose crinkled.

Liam simply shrugged, a shit eating grin appearing on his face. He didn't really care what Weasel thought.

Dom watched them confused, his dark brown eyes looked slightly hurt clearly not enjoying being left out of the loop. "What phone call? I didn't know you went out of a double date".

"Aiden and Liam thought it would be fun to get one of their girlfriends to sexually proposition me Saturday night"explained Weasel, biting into his sandwich.

"She's not my girlfriend and it was one date"added Liam defensively. "If you could call getting drunk at someone's house a date".

"Don't worry, I won't forget. I'll get you back"promised Weasel.

"I'll look forward to it"Liam replied, laughing as he opened up his bag of salt and vinegar crisps.

"Ooo, you were at her house?"interjected Dom, curiously.

"So what happened? Did you shag her? Will you see her again?".

Liam raised an eyebrow looking slightly amused at Dom who was clearly trying to live vicariously through him. Slightly ironic seeing as Liams own sex life was practically non existent. Dominic Angeles was indeed a turd as Aiden had politely described him as last week. If he reduced the bulk he would actually be quite handsome. Height wasn't on his side however with his dark olive skin compliments of his Greek heritage and wavy dark hair he had the potential of making girls swoon. Until then he had to hone in his natural wit and irresistible charm.

"No I did not!"declared Liam indignantly, swotting Dom's hand as he moved in to steal a crisp. His cheeks reddened slightly as he remembered exactly what they did do.

"Ooooh! He sooo did! Look at his face!"pointed out Weasel, excitedly.

Liam groaned with irritation and threw a crisp at Weasels face to which the slightly younger boy responded by sticking out his tongue and eating the crisp with a smug look on his face.

"Ok so she may have given me a blow job"admitted Liam reluctantly. "And no we are not dating".

"Dude!"exclaimed Dom, thumping his shoulder in approval. "So why aren't you seeing her again?".

Liam shrugged.

I think I might be gay.

"I didn't get her number".

"So?? It can't be that hard to get it. Ask Aiden or find her through Facebook. Doesn't she go to St Augustines? It can't be that hard".

Liam looked at Dom with mild amusement, "you seem awfully invested in my love life".

Dom scoffed indignantly, "Fine be like that. Just don't blame me for your blue balls".

"Don't worry me and my blue balls will be fine"said Liam with a grin as he waved his hand in the air. It took a few seconds until both Dom and Weasel scrunched up their noses and muttered ew in disgust.

"So what was it like?"asked Weasel.

"It was nice"Liam answered reluctantly, it was clearly the wrong answer as both boys looked at him incredulously.

"Nice!?"exclaimed Weasel in disbelief.

"Fine. Amazing then. Happy?"snapped Liam. "Hey, why don't you come back to me when you have a little more sexual experience other than watching pornhub and dating your left hand".

"Low blow man"said Dom, shaking his head.

"Besides it my right hand, bro"retorted Weasel with a grin plastered on his face. Not a lot phased him, going to an all boys school where the majority of his year assumed he was gay and made numerous jibes to reflect that he had grown a strong backbone. "And don't diss the hub".

"Amen to that"grinned Dom.

Weasel leaned in suddenly, his face looking uncharacteristically serious, "So what is going on with you and Aiden?".

Liam rolled his eyes. Trust Weasel to pick up on the fact that Aiden was avoiding Liam like the plague. There was a reason everyone called him Weasel.

Dom leaned in, surprised and curious by Weaseks observation.

"How the fuck should I know?"sighed Liam. "Maybe he's on his man period or something".

1011 words

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