Liam wasn't sure where he was at first when he woke up. His head was pounding loudly and his body ached all over. He frowned slightly as he felt the duvet rustle and move next to him. His eyes widened with realisation. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!This was not good he thought panicking slightly. Why he had possibly thought this was a good idea last night. He knew why as Aiden had been very persuasive that any reservations he had flew right out the window
"It's early"grumbled Aiden, burried deep under the covers with just his toes sticking out the bottom of the bed. "Go back to sleep".
Liam fumbled round on the floor and found his jeans and took out his phone. He had a couple of missed calls and a text message from home asking for his whereabouts and one from Dom and Weasel. He frowned when he noticed that it was now ten o clock which was probably why his mum was panicking. He flew off a quick text letting her know he was at Aidens house.
He looked at Aiden and paused hesitantly as wasn't quite sure what the protocol was especially seeing as they were friends. They clearly had things to talk about and it was better to do it here than at school Monday morning because that would go down really well.
"Stop overthinking it"grumbled Aiden, now sitting up. He smirked slightly as he saw the damage he'd done to Liams neck and chest. He had yet to look in the mirror to see the hickeys on his own body and the scratch marks on his back. He looked a mess with his hair all over the place, his eyes slightly bloodshot and his lips swollen from the activities of last night.
He grabbed his own phone and started trawling through his social media accounts before returning a few messages. Unconsciously he rubbed Liams naked thigh and made circular motions with his thumb.
"Thought you said it's too early"commented Liam.
"I'm up now"replied Aiden. He grinned and looked directly at Liam, "Fancy round two?".
Liam hit Aiden lightly on the arm, "No you arsehole. I'm in a little bit of pain right now", before adding, "it also wouldn't be round two".
Aiden shrugged, "Offers there if you change your mind".
"I won't".
Aiden let out a deep sigh and stretched out his arms and legs. "I need to take a shower. I literally reek".
Liam glanced up at him in amusement but wasn't going to disagree. The bedroom smelt heavily of sweat, alcohol and sex. "Is it okay if I have one as well? Also do you have a top I could borrow? Saves me doing the walk of shame on the bus".
Aiden nodded, "Sure". A teasing smirk formed on his face. "So the big question of the day is should we share or shower separately".
Liam rolled him eyes and hid a smile.
"So whose place is this"asked Liam curiously, looking round the flat . He knew it wasn't Aidens having been to his house a few times to hang out.
They had both showered separately despite Aidens efforts and were now dressed and hunting for something to eat and drink in the kitchen, both feeling slight dehydrated and hungry. Liam felt slightly strange dressed in Aidens style. Aiden had been kind enough to lend him a black band T-shirt, branded sweats which clung tightly to his body and even some loose fitting boxers.
"My dads"answered Aiden shortly, grabbing a couple of glasses out the cupboard and fetching the orange juice from the fridge. "He's currently at his girlfriends. A forty year old stripper named Amanda who has seen better days".
"I'm sure it's not that bad"scoffed Liam as Aiden handed him a glass. He scowled slightly when he noticed Aiden slide a packet of paracetamol under his nose and rolled his eyes in irritation.
"Believe me, it is"Aiden took a swig of his juice and placed it back on the counter, running his hand through his thick mane. "She's already told me how much she wants to fuck me".
"Nice"Liam responded dryly. "So you gonna?"
Aiden gave him an unimpressed glare.
"So do you actually live here?".
Aiden shook his head, "You've been to mine. I live with my mum and little brother but spend my weekends here. Not that my dads ever here".
"I bet he'd love the fact your using his place to hook up with strangers from the internet"grinned Liam.
"Technically your not a stranger"pointed out Aiden. "I haven't done it that many times and I've sometimes gone to theirs as well".
Liam rolled his eyes. He wanted to ask more but now wasn't the time. Despite last night he still didn't overly trust Aiden or feel 100% comfortable around him and knew despite his façade the slightly taller boy was feeling the same. One thing he could guarantee without asking that last night would stay between them as neither of them were ready for that kind of complication even though Liam could be fairly reassured his family and friends would be okay with it. It might however be a little bit weird that he slept with a member of his friend group.
Aiden paused, suddenly looking uncharacteristically nervous, "So what now?".
Liam shrugged, not knowing himself. It felt like a trick question. The idea of dating Aiden or seeing him naked again, if that's what he was getting at, seemed strange despite having slept together. No matter how amazing it was although he'd never in a million years admit to that.
"I guess we both forget about it. It will make things easier in the long run".
"I guess your right"Aiden agreed softly, although he looked slightly disappointed. His fingers lightly touching Liams as he rested them on the counter.
"I may have gone off the idea of internet dating for a while"Liam admitted with a grin.
"I don't blame you! I guess it could have been worse"
"It's been fun though"Liam added softly. "I have no regrets".
"Yet"said Aiden, with one of his signature smirks. "But fuck it's been fun".
1027 words

Door Number One
RomanceLiam Clarke had a close circle of friends who he had known since primary school however they don't know his biggest secret. Liam is gay. What happens when the guy he meets through an app one night turns out to be someone he knows.