After coming out to both their families the pair had then spoken in great depth about coming out to their friends. They both agreed that they couldn't see it being a problem with any of them especially after Weasel had dragged both Dom and Weasel to a gay club and Jimbo didn't overly seem bothered, just generally amused by the idea. Liam liked the idea of speaking to them all separately starting with Weasel whereas Aiden was more in favour of the band aid idea.The discussion was muted for a little bit with neither boys agreeing as exams and applying to various universities took priority and consumed their every breathing moment. It was only then that the two boys realised that their relationship may have an expiration date which neither of them were happy about. Aiden wanted to go to Brighton university and pursue a degree in history with the option of going into teaching later whereas Liam had his heart set on an English degree at Kent University.
Both of them knew a discussion was looming regarding the status of their relationship but neither of them were ready to broach the subject. Long distance relationships rarely worked and even if they spoke daily and saw each other during the holidays it wouldn't be the same. Liam also suspected that Aiden might want to see other people once he got to university and not be tied down although he had yet to drop any hints regarding his feelings on the matter. They both loved each other but was it enough?
Liam suddenly felt a hand affectionately ruffle his hair and the familiar smell of lynx deodorant and spearmint gum as Aiden distracted the boy from his gloomy thoughts. Liams heart instantly warmed and his gaze softened momentarily forgetting his earlier worries.
"Hey"Aiden said softly. "How was your final exam?".
Liam shrugged, "Okay I guess. You?".
"I'm quietly confident. I had a good teacher"Aiden said teasingly as he gently nudged Liams shoulder. "You doing anything now? Doms had a text from Trina as they've just finished all their exams and we're meeting them all down the park to celebrate".
Liam nodded, "Sounds messy".
The two boys were suddenly interrupted by two arms dropping over both their shoulders. "It's not fair. Everyone's finished their exams and I've still got one to take tomorrow"whined Weasel.
"In art"scoffed Aiden dismissively peeling off Weasels arm and releasing himself from the other boys grasp. He looked momentarily tempted to do the same to the boys other arm but decided against it. "And what the fuck are you doing here?".
Weasel rolled his eyes, "I'm not feeling the love here".
"Good. Then we are on the same page"retorted Aiden.
Weasel turned to look at Liam deciding to ignore Aiden completely now, "Jimbo has gone to try and pick up some beer from the corner shop with Dom and I'm here to drag you guys to the bus stop. Well one of you". Weasel stuck his tongue out at Aiden who scowled back.
"Okay. Let's go"sighed Liam not wanting to be stuck in between the middle of Weasel and Aiden for a moment longer by himself. Aiden already looked like he was on the verge of killing Weasel and the ginger haired boy knew it judging by the huge grin plastered across his face as his arm continued to drap lazily across Liams shoulder.
When the boys finally made it to the quiet corner of the park they discovered that the girls were already drunk thanks to a big bottle of vodka that Trina had raided from her parents drink cabinet. Dom raised his eyebrows as he glanced at the unopened bottles of Lambrini and peach snaps as he sat down next to her. Trina giggled as she cuddled into Dom, although he knew she was only using his body to prop herself upwards. Cassie just looked up and gave a simple hey, her eyes already looking slightly bloodshot and glazed. While Hanna who had also joined them immediately stood up and ran into Jimbo encasing him into a clumsy hug which almost knocked him over.

Door Number One
RomanceLiam Clarke had a close circle of friends who he had known since primary school however they don't know his biggest secret. Liam is gay. What happens when the guy he meets through an app one night turns out to be someone he knows.